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Can being too good at your job be a bad thing?

I.e. employee exceeds at their job and is well-liked by customers/patients better than their boss/manager. Manager/boss starts to secretly feel jealous and threatened and will try to sabotage said employee.

Does this ever happen in the "real world"?

EDIT: Not just the boss, but fellow co-workers too.


Yes, but not just manager/boss sabotage. Co-workers can do that too.


That's sad. One more reason why it's best to own your own business. Avoid all this political baggage.


Then the saboteurs are your competitors.


Not if I'm paying them though. They will quickly shut up and do as I please. #MoneyDrivesTheWorld


And if they don't like it, then I can fire them. 🔥


All the time. No rules in business.


And this is why it's best to be your own boss.
Nobody questions/doubts you when you pay them their salary. When you're not paying them, everybody starts to questions/doubts you. Money drives everything in this life.

Am I right?


Yes. I’ve had this happen with 2 of my female bosses. Jealous bitches.


i think women bosses tend to be feel threatened especially by younger, prettier female subordinates.


Only the ones that have no business being in charge in the first place. That’s why they hate, they know they suck at what they do.
Best boss I ever had was also a female.


So how did they even get into position of power in the first place? By sucking up? Dirty politics rather than merit/skills? Sounds like our government.


Ooooo Eric I’m getting all heated even remembering this bitch, but it’s so funny you said what you did. One of these broads got hired to be our boss when I was working for the fed government. I worked with animals and this bitch was supposed to have been a veterinarian in the army. Her first day she didn’t even recognize kennel cough when we told her the dog had it. 10 days later all of our quarantined dogs were sick with kennel cough. We found out later she was never a vet (obviously) and she had a dishonorable discharge from the military for sleeping with her superiors. I don’t know how our lovely government managed to overlook all that. I always figured she blew the guy that ran our department.


The reason I ask is because I've had similar negative experience before with a female boss. I wondered how she got there.


I'm not surprised by your story. Those kinds of sexual favors are probably rampant in every industry. "Quid pro quo".




The cream still rises to the top.


Actually it's the scum that rises to the top.


It's not that simple.
Every boss like his employee is liked by customers. It means better business for him.

But,when employee start notice that he is good worker(customers spending more money,bunch of new customers...) in 90% cases employee become cocky,arrogant,hothead even demanding more salary.

I worked as employee and as boss. I know what I'm talking about.
And reality is,you can't be liked by your own customers.You can make good business,but nobody like successful people.


I knew it! That’s why nobody likes me. Up til now, I always assumed it was just because I’m an asshole.


Yes, if you are an assassin.


Yes, if you’re too good at telemarketing and make good money, you’ll get stuck doing telesales for life lol.


Absolutely, especially considering your pay will disproportionate to your skill set/contribution, and as you highlighted the level of appreciation shown for it by those that matter will be similarly underwhelming.
