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New Zealand wins the pandemic!

11 deaths in the whole country!

According to a New Zealander I encountered elsewhere, it's because "And no, it's not just because we are an 'island.' We acted quickly, listened to authorities (not always happily but we understood the greater good) and today our new number of cases was 5. In the whole country. "

Yes, it's at the price of a country-wide lockdown, but if that's what works then at least it should be done right. Hear that, Michigan?


Jacinda Ardern is on to it.

Although any deaths are awful, I feel somewhat reassured that we've only had 63 deaths in Australia too.


Yes. And if one does the math, Australia has about 5 times the population of NZ. The numbers pretty much even out on average per head of population.


True. Our countries governments have had a very similar response to the virus.

Our figures would have been even lower if the NSW government hadn't stuffed up and let the Ruby Princess cruise ship passengers disembark without proper quarantine procedures. Someone will lose their job for that one.


Sometimes it pays to live in an out of the way corner of the world.





Orcs lives matter!


Elf lives matter!


NZ is a small populated country, isolated from most and the COVID-19 death rate appears to be getting attributed, when there could be other possible health issues in the deceased contributing to why the person died. It is getting sensationalized.

Jacinda Ardern is also about promoting her own image of self to win brownie points and she didn't even win the last election and is a phony pm.


She won the election fair and square. Winston Peters chose to form government with Labor, he could have just as easily gone with the National Party. It's an interesting electoral system but to say she didn't win is foolish, that's just the way NZ elections work.

I enjoyed living under her leadership for the brief time I was still living in New Zealand after she won the election. I think she is the farthest thing from a phony there can be. To me she is the epitome of what every world leader should be: kind, compassionate, intelligent and strong.

I know she has her haters but I wouldn't be at all surprised if she's still here to annoy you after the election in September.


National took the highest percentage of electoral seats and the highest percentage of popular vote, pipping Labor. In a proper regulated MMP system, the winner, who were National, get to rule, as is enforced in Germany. It was very disloyal to the NZ voting public, who largely voted for a National govt and also of Peters and the strange representation of NZ's MMP system, to make him a king maker when he didn't even win any electorate seats himself. He only got list seats based on the percentage. That is not winning fair and square and if you can prove otherwise, I will eat my hat.

She is a posturing, virtue signalling little girl way out of her depth. I would have more respect for her if she did actually have the highest percentage of votes. And mark my words, she WON'T be there to annoy anyone after the September election.


We’ll see.


Past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance.


It will be in this case.


i wouldnt be happy with any side that gets chosen.


Sometimes it is a matter of the best of the worst. From an objective and fact based perspective, how the last NZ election panned out, has put a blight on the MMP model and failed NZ'ers. The democratic right and process of the people to make their decision by voting, was suddenly tarnished. They may as well have just handed Mr. 7.5% Of The Vote the reigns to begin with and save all NZ'ers the time and energy, not to mention the national expense of running the election.


Understand the frustration. Understand the complete pointlessness of voting. To me its all rigged, a game with two players in most cases, where the winner has no negligible effect.


Yes, and any decisions made should have been at National's behest to decide what they wanted to do with Peter's party. That was what the result should have naturally and rightfully cultivated. It will be interesting now to see how the NZ public vote in the next election, as Ardern is promoted as a shining star in the MMS around the world, but what goes on in the home turf is a different story.


my point is it makes no difference who gets voted in. they all still have jobs and nothing gets done.


Isn't that the same with all governments. This pandemic at the moment is making them work for their money.


90% of politicians have the day off during this'pandemic'.


They have shut down society to deal with it and given the rest of us the day off in the process, whether we wanted to or

They still have to deal with how their health care systems are holding up and the spotlight is rightfully placed on the US.


New Zealand is SOUTH HEMISPHERE. They just passed the summer. April in New Zealand is like October in Europe or US.

In north hemisphere, respiratory illnesses use to start mid October and boost in November and December. They didn't win the pandemic. It haven't really started there. It's starting now.


Summer and people not travelling internationally probably helped. Canada had over a million people travelling when covid broke out and they all came home over a month long period.


Except that New Zealand is a major tourist destination, there's definitely got to be a lot of international travel going in and out - especially in the summer. Hell, I'd have spent February or March there, if I were independently wealthy.

Hopefully all international travel in and out of NA was stopped once they knew there was a problem, but it's going to start up again and then we'll see.


and being an island does help. it doesn't have a large border like canada and the usa with hundred of thousands of people going back and forth everyday. it's easier to close your borders when you are an island.


Tiny island with a population of 4.8 million people lmao.

They aren't even seeded in the competition. I love how that article cherry picked the smallest countries with female leaders for their GIRL POWAH BS.


Majestical country.
