MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > New Zealand wins the pandemic!

New Zealand wins the pandemic!

11 deaths in the whole country!

According to a New Zealander I encountered elsewhere, it's because "And no, it's not just because we are an 'island.' We acted quickly, listened to authorities (not always happily but we understood the greater good) and today our new number of cases was 5. In the whole country. "

Yes, it's at the price of a country-wide lockdown, but if that's what works then at least it should be done right. Hear that, Michigan?


11 deaths in the whole country!
How much you wanna bet this number doesn't include orcs? I'm calling BS.


I thought that New Zealand was such a peaceful and sensible place, that all the Orcs had become model kakapo-hugging citizens and were considered as good as anybody!



New Zealand leads the world in ice cream consumption with a per capita consumption of 28.4 liters per year.


Way to go! The Kiwis KICK ASS!

