MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you like Star Wars Episode II: Attack...

Do you like Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones (2002)?

Why or why not?

I personally do.


I like it to. I do not know why it is bashed so much. Opening is great.


I liked all of the Star War movies - some better than others.


I like all the prequels and original movies.

Re: Episode 2
I liked the visuals including most SFX (not the arena animals), costumes, fight bet. Obi-wan and Jango on planet and in space, actors and their characters, storyline, cinematography, music, Padme's house


Meh. I think I liked it more when it came out because it was an improvement over Phantom Menace. It has some nice action sequences, but the actors and the character moments just lack any kind of spark.


Overall, yes. The Anakin/Padme scenes were horrible. I also think they should have saved Yoda's saber fight for the final showdown with the Emperor in Ep III. But it was an enjoyable movie and was definitely far better than any of the sequel trilogy movies.


I do like it, even though I'm fully aware it's not a good movie.

What can I say, enough cheesiness can make bad scenes enjoyable.



