MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I feel sorry for people who...

I feel sorry for people who...

don't read. As in books. They are missing out on such a wonderful word. I caught the reading bug in 4th grade when we read The Hobbit as a class. I was so taken, I got chided for reading ahead but I couldn't put it down! I still LOVE immersing myself in a good book as often as I can.


Does reading fiction on the Internet count? (Although I write more than read nowadays.)


Feature length stories? I suppose but I prefer an actual old school book. It's more of a "commitment" to me.


Oh, I agree absolutely. I wish I spent more time reading and less time watching TV or being on the internet.


I would not say "I feel sorry " but I would definitely recommend it. To read a good book is really a pleasure.


Lol. It's not feel sorry like I would feel sorry for someone who has cancer. More like I feel sorry for someone who missed out on a plate of nice warm brownies or something like that. :)


or a good paella.....


I love books and reading. I always have. I think I know what you mean about feeling sorry for someone. To me it's like you want to share this magical world with someone but they just can't seem to unlock the door.




They didn't teach me letters in prison.



Can’t argue with that. Your imagination is stimulated so much more with a book than a movie.


No doubt! I started reading with my older brother at age 4. Always had advanced reading classes. It's my only true addiction - I Must read everyday.
Sidenote: You can always tell when the person you're talking to doesn't read - their vocabulary is crap.
