
It's freaking football season. I HATE HATE HATE football season! All I hear ALL DAY LONG at work is people yapping about a bunch of millionaires chasing a ball around. It drives me crazy!!

Thanks for listening.

P.S. I hate all sports but football is the worst for being constantly talked about.


American football?




It's not popular in europe, but I love most sports.

What's wrong with sports?


To me, it's a complete waste of time, especially American football. There's SO little action. A play that last 15 seconds then 20 minutes of talking about it. I enjoy playing some games like soccer/football, volleyball and tennis but you couldn't pay me to watch them and the fans that get SO worked up over watching something they have no control over just is silly to me.


I get what you mean about not liking it.

I don't hate sports really and enjoy watching them sometimes, but you have a good point on the whole thing.

I watch American Ninja Warrior more than any other kind of sports, but this is different in that it's not based on high-paid athletes for the most part and big contracts/etc. But although I do see the idea that you can boil down the experience to watching a bunch of likely wealthy at worst players doing things for entertainment. I guess I can rationalize the idea behind that as me not having any spite or dislike just solely because they are generally wealthy and/or rich for the most part.

I mean I can see this from both sides (hating and loving it), so I guess I fall more in the middle but on the positive side.


Not sock-cher then, or whatever it is you crazy Americans call it.




Don’t get me started on Cricket! Even most English people don’t understand how that works.


Believe it or not, I love watching professional snooker on YouTube. Fascinating game. Incredibly hard. Very, very niche here in the US, it's gotten quite popular in China. I only play on the computer.


I play pool. Sometimes a mate will invite me to a snooker hall and I have to get my bloody binoculars out to see the end of the snooker table.


Agreed. Now every time I go out to hear music, it's turned off. Instead I get football blasted at me. How relaxing is that.


My rule is no football talk until the World Series is over, but no one abides.


✋ I'm with you on this.


The Raptors won the NBA Championship. It was great living in a city with a winning team. My wife got all caught up in it.


I like how football fans (any type of football) talk about the team as if they are actually a part of it. "Uh man, they need to replace the coach! He has no clue" yep, you tell 'em, go and lodge your complaint mate.
