MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Attempted murder.

Attempted murder.

I think the penalty for attempted murder should be the same as murder. I mean if someone's actual intention is to murder someone and they fail, they get a lesser sentence because they suck at murder? Their victim would be DEAD if they succeeded in their intention. If their plan got foiled or they screwed up and their victim lived, why should they not get the same penalty as they would receive if they were successful?


I'd say it is a philosophical question rather than a purely legal one. In Canada Attempted Murder can carry a life sentence, just like Murder. In the US Attempted Murder I think almost always carries a lesser sentence than Murder, with some exceptions, for example, Attempted Murder under certain circumstances carries the same penalty as Murder.


I agree that it is a philosophical question. It just doesn't seem right that an attempted murderer should get a lesser sentence because the victim got lucky that he/she was unsuccessful at what they intended to do. The US needs to step it up. :)


No, because punishment is not just about the perpetrator but also about the victim, therefore if there's no victim the punishment should be less.


I see that but they intended to murder. Intent is a factor in many punishments.


I agree Knish. Any criminal activity is against the law but murder is more extreme and deserves extreme punishment like long imprisonment or execution if it is allowed in your state or country.


What about a fat, slow rapist?

He attacks the girl but she knows martial arts, whoops his ass and runs off

He doesn't deserve max time for intent?


Fat, slow, and raping is no way to go through life, son.


Well played!


Do you want a crazy person who had a gun jam during a murder attempt walking around your neighborhood?

I do not but if you do I really hope we don't live near each other


Very well put!


Also, that's the thing, speaking of the victim. The victim WOULD be dead were it not for the ineptitude of the perp or other mitigating factors. I don't think those factors should benefit the the perp in their sentence.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to argue. Just exploring thoughts and ideas. :)




I definitely agree.


The legal system in the US is like a hoarder, so much crap piled up you can't figure out what's going on, or who did what.


