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plant based burgers

So these so called burgers from A&W are made from pea protein. I assumed it was soy. Anyone tried one of these. It seems to be the latest fad. I am tempted to try one.


I've tried the Morningstar Farms veggie burgers. I got the tomato and basil flavored ones. Not the greatest, but they are okay. I've been trying to get away from red meat as much as possible. I put a lot of mustard and sliced tomato on them, so I can almost forget that I'm not eating a juicy hamburger! haha


I’m more curious about cultured meat.


i've tried a variety of them over the years, and i generally have found them to be ok-ish substitutes that are good enough as a substitute for the real thing (i am a vegetarian).

i ate them fairly regularly when i first made the switch to vegetarianism years ago. the only time i really have them now is when i visit my mom - she keeps some on hand to feed me when i pop by for lunch.

i'm very hopeful that we'll get to a stage where lab-grown meat is an economical substitute. id have no problem eating something like that.



i eat them because i like the taste of meat but don't eat it for ethical reasons.
if you can have a product that effectively mimics the taste & feel of meat without all the ethical issues that come with actual meat, i'd want to eat that.



animal suffering, mainly. particularly in poultry, egg & pork production.
& environmental issues as well.

i have no problem eating hunted meat.


Lol! I have to agree with you! Why would you, as a vegetarian, want to eat something labeled "vegetarian turkey sausages"???


I'm not sure what brand I purchased but I've tried both the pea protein and soy. They're both pretty good. I'm not a vegetarian, I was just curious.


Pretty sure A&W uses The Beyond Meat Burger and I can say they are amazing and so much better than junk like Morningstar and Boca that you find in the frozen aisle. I've heard people have sent them back because they are so close to the real thing, they thought the waiter messed up their order. You can buy them in the grocery store as well, at least here in the US.


I've been a vegetarian for a long time, but a hamburger is a meat burger. Plant based burgers sound weird. I don't think I would order one.


Perhaps the name should be changed to a "sham"burger when it's plant based!


I actually started eating some of these "burgers", in the morning, I don't eat eggs , cereal very often. The best part is they are high protein , fiber and low calorie. So for like 100 to 150 calories you can have a meal. Thats my diet tip for the day.
