MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Boards are dead all over despite them be...

Boards are dead all over despite them being copied from IMDb

Since IMDb banished the forums from their site (and this one copied it), all of the threads and various boards spread out are disentangled from the entirety of the IMDb site itself, which means many (most?) boards have become a ghost town. Since you can't normally go on IMDb and rate or review/check out a title and then go to the message boards, this site is like a copy of the boards broken apart from the main (and important) structure of IMDb itself.

For this reason the majority of the site that would've had active boards otherwise (like IMDb years back) is now going to be mostly dead boards since few people will come here to just seek out boards themselves, as opposed to on IMDb where it was all tied together.

I figure most of you here know this, but thought I'd explain why this place is a weak attempt to continue the message board system onward. It is sad in a way, but I guess better than nothing. The thing is that as long as this place and IMDb remain separate, there will never be an equivalent amount of traffic and interlinking between IMDb itself and reviews, ratings and the boards all unified and active. This place is like a limb cut off that's kept alive still on the side, but is no longer part of the main body in which it can connect and work with as a whole.


You really want to be this much of a buzzkill? Okay


What is your problem ? Why do you continually come across as trying to reignite a potential conflict that has gone dormant? Couldn't you sequentially follow this thread and see that he apologized very eloquently for his negative first impression?


Well said!


Guess I didn't read the whole thread. My apologies.


this site is like a copy of the boards broken apart from the main (and important) structure of IMDb itself.

Guys, he's done it! He's figured out the entire point of these boards as if we haven't already noticed this ourselves which is the entire point why we're here. Here is was using this site thinking it looked all too familiar.

The fact you got 7 posts and write something ridiculous like that leads me to believe that you were sent by a similar site to smear us.


TheMovieDB has exactly what you're talking about in terms of movie data and discussions but imo, MC has more of an active community. Go figure.


It's not just your opinion, it's a fact -

tmdb -54 discussion threads
MC - 694 discussion threads

Captain Marvel
tmdb -38 discussion threads
MC - 466 discussion threads

Game of Thrones
tmdb -266 discussion threads
MC - 1584 discussion threads (and these are just the threads created on MC, not the archived IMDb threads)


Wow! Thanks for providing these stats. I wonder why this is?


Yeah it is true that certain titles are getting a bigger surge of traffic due to IMDb breaking off the boards there. People will want to go elsewhere to discuss it -- now that place is here (well, one of the places).

I mean traffic overall has dropped. A very small production or show which would have had limited exposure; or a celebrity or actor page would have had better traffic and discussion odds than here in its current popularity/state.

This is more like the "new" place to go to for discussion, whereas before it was "that old place" but still had more activity overall.

But it has been only a few years. This place could change a lot in the next few too


There's a saying out there that I often roll my eyes at, because it's so "Pollyanna" - it goes: Be the change you want to see in the world."

But sometimes it really does apply, as in this case. If we want MovieChat to become as lively and hugely populated as the old IMDb boards were, then we all have to be here, keep posting, keep contributing to the life of this place.

I agree that IMDb did a huge disservice to itself and to all of us out here but cutting off its boards. I rarely go there at all now; the sole reason I ever visit that site is to check a filming location, or a cast member.

But right after I've watched a movie or TV show and feel the need to discuss it, I come directly here now. This is my first port of call for having a conversation about what I've just seen.

I think it's a terrific replacement, and I love that all the old boards were imported so that I can still even add to old conversations.

We all have to make this what the other boards were, it's as simple as that.


At the same time I think there needs to be some effort put forth by the webmaster as well. It would be nice to see the site being actively maintained outside of moderation. Also having some sort of dedicated board for us to voice our opinions on how the site could be improved upon could be a great addition. I've seen this sort of thing done in other proactive communities and it's worked out pretty well.


A suggestions board would be a great addition indeed, I agree. Good one.
