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Our worst injuries

I cut open my knee at school when i was in second grade. I didn't really know exactly how bad it was until i was home and could barely take off my pants because of all the moist and blood that had dried up and gotten stuck to the fabric. I still have a mark from it to this day.


You just know someone's going to say that they had their heart broken.




Dare I ask what you were doing when you cut it?

I suffered a cut on my wrist that was pretty nasty. I was banging on a window in our garage when the pane broke and my arm went through the glass. I say "banging" because I was knocking too vigorously, trying to get the attention of my brother who was leaving on his bike. I don't remember the specific reason, just that I had something important to tell him before he left. Scared us because our parents weren't home at the time (we were old enough to stay home on our own). A neighbor took me to the emergency room.


Me and my friends were playing in the nearby forest and i fell on a sharp root, we weren't doing anything crazy so i'm not sure how i slipped really, but suddenly i was on the ground in pain. Your story with the glass sounds equally awful :-(


Yikes, yours sounds awfully painful. And you were awfully young, too.


For sure. If i had landed on it with my face or something i would've probably lost an eye. It was basically like a wooden knife.


Thinking about what might have happened brings a new round of weak knees and the heebee jeebees, I swear.


Yeah, how bad as it was it was still one of the better places on the body to hit, always look on the bright side :-)


That sounds nasty
I winced thinking about peeling the fabric off the wound😳

I fell off a ladder years ago and landed right on my tailbone (coccyx is the technical term but try to tell someone your coccyx is throbbing and you'll get slapped!)
It ached for a week and I could barely stand erect (sorry...)


Very nasty indeed, i felt like crying but tried to act tough and held back myself. I never trusted ladders. Not even short ones. Guess landing on your butt was better then landing on something else at least. It still hurts but it's hard to break.


Napoleon Dynamite’s grandma broke her coccyx. 😀


Vote For Pedro


Poor granny.


broken collar bone is a pain.


I believe you.


I had to sleep sitting up.


I never broke anything. I always wondered what it feels like. The thought scares me.


Sounds terrible
From your hockey days?


hockey it was at age 16. it was a long 6 weeks.



I have scars on top of scars but my worst is probably 40 something stitches on my leg from a sharp piece of metal.


Broke my collarbone when I was about 7 or 8.


welcome to the club


Yeah it wasn't fun. I broke it falling down the stairs, of all things lol. I was exceedingly lucky that I didn't break my neck. There was a wall in front of the staircase that I hit when I got to the bottom. That was what broke the collarbone. Could just as easily have been my neck.


When I was 12, I got into a fight with another kid at school, complete with fists. He then hit me on the head with a locker lock, and I freaked at the sight of blood everywhere, so I ran all the way down the hall to the nurse's office, leaving a trail of blood behind. Damned hall was PACKED with kids (because my school was old and crowded) so I kept hearing "oh my God!" over and over again. That, and I went to school with a bunch of dumb townies that had such boring lives that they needed entertainment in watching fights. Over 15 witnesses saw what happened.

I didn't feel the locker lock or even see it, because everything happened so fast, and I was full of adrenaline. I thought he had punched me again. It felt like being hit with a sock full of sand.

He went to juvie for First Stage Battery, and I got 6 stitches on my forehead. Mom had a plastic surgeon work on me so I wouldn't have a big ugly scar for the rest of my life. Nobody can see it now unless I point it out, that's how good his work was. It's in the same spot as the Movie Harry Potter's lightning scar.


That kid sounds like a real whimp, has to use a freaking lock to beat a girl. Glad it turned out ok, that is crazy :-/


Yeah, he played dirty. I only used my fists, even though I have no real upper body strength. Truth is, I didn't get into a lot of physical fights while growing up, so I wasn't very good at it. I was just so tired of people teasing me, and I'd learned the day before that some girl I thought was my friend really wasn't. So I took out my misery on that little shit. And he truly was a short, shrimpy little shit, with hair that stuck up like on a monkey.

We couldn't even sue the little ape because his family was in Section 8 housing, and they moved out of town at the end of the school year.


Sorry to hear you were bullied, they like to say violence doesn't solve things but it isn't true, at the very least it can releave a lot of frustration. Hope that girl who let you down got hers too. So many idiots in this world who does nothing but using nice people.


You're kind :). Frankly, I don't care what happened to those creeps. It's been years, and no doubt the boy ended up in prison or a gang shootout, and the girl probably is working at some dead-end job with a fatherless kid in tow. I also live very far away from that state now, so the chances of bumping into either loser is very low now.


If you ever do i hope you give them the evil eye :-)


I might not recognize them. It's been a long time.


That boy sounds like a fine candidate for a brutal beating

I wish you had a big boyfriend at the time


He is probably in prison now getting what he deserves.


where is he now ?


Thirty-five years ago, my freshman year in college. I was whitewater canoeing and got into an accident. Smashed my knee so badly I couldn't walk for the better part of a day. Later I discovered that there was permanent damage. It goes out on me once or twice a year. Sucks spending your entire adult life with a bad leg.


Sorry :-( How did the accident happen?


I got into some rapids and the canoe flipped. Then I was out of the canoe, being swept downstream. I hit some rocks and my right knee got the worst of it. After a few hours it felt like the knee wasn't going to be so bad, so I didn't think that much more of it. A few weeks later I realized I couldn't quite straighten out the leg all the way; almost, to within maybe a fraction of an inch, but not quite. I went to the doctor, and she told me that it wasn't quite bad enough to justify surgery but was damaged. Basically, surgery could have put the knee to 90% functionality, but it was already at 95%. Most days it's more or less fine, but I have to be careful with it. If I'm leaning at a weird angle to pick up something and put weight on it wrong, it might swell up and I'll be limping for a few days. If I ever get arthritis I'll probably get it there first.


That sucks :-(
