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Movies you didn't like the ending. **spoilers**

The Mountain Between Us.

The man and the woman should have stayed together instead of departing after all they had gone through.



The subway was overkill.

And the fake out endings to every horror movie teasing a sequel


How about the exploding plane?


It's been a long time since I've seen the movie, but didn't the plane explode because of the bomb on the bus exploded as the bus crashed into it? I mean that's over the top as well, but it's a usual over the top for hollywood.


The Village


Too Late The Hero

I was pulling for Cliff Robinson.


Automatically I thought of Funny Games!
Definitely thought it would end differently.
Hated the ending!


I liked the ending. It was a real 'screw you and your expectations' to the audience.


Yes, not predictable at all!


Signs. The movie would've been great if the living room scene and "swing away" was skipped and the mystery about the aliens and what they really looked like was left intact. Damn it Shyamalan, you were so close to have this amazing trilogy with Sense, Unbreakable and Signs but you had to go all baseball bat on it in the last few minutes. Figuratively and literally. It bothers me more than i want to admit.


Southern Comfort (1981)


Titanic - I would have liked to see him get the necklace instead of having his career sunk like the ship.


The ending was the only thing I liked: seeing Leonardo die!


Lucy (2014)

The movie was painting itself into a corner. There is no way the story would have a satisfying ending. But the one actually presented was weak af.
