
This used to refer to drinking or eating, but now, well, you all know what it means.

So, do you do it? For films it could be an actor's filmography, or a director's, or whathaveyou.

I'm guilty as charged. If a new season of a show I like is released, I binge it. If I'm lucky enough to discover an old show I like that's new to me, I binge that too.

It's nice to be able to do it. Like the Twilight Zone marathons of old, except on demand. But there was something about having to wait a week for a new episode of whatever show.

It may work best for movies.


I binged the lord of the rings trilogy once. Watched all the films from noon until morning. Then again it's really just one movie split into 3 so maybe it shouldn't count as binging.


It counts, because put together, that's one lonnnnng movie!


True that, but they are great movies so it doesn't feel that long when watching them.


I've never done it but a friend of mine and her sister used to do marathons of it every Christmas. As well as watching all three extended versions, they would eat all the hobbit meals throughout the day.


Awesome tradition :-) In a way they are christmas movies since that is when they were released originally.


That's really great. 😂


I've only binged a bit with old shows that have a lot of episodes, like Dynasty. Otherwise, I prefer to watch no more than 1 episode a day or a couple of episodes in the weekend.

"But there was something about having to wait a week for a new episode of whatever show."

I really miss that!


A woman with self-discipline, gotta respect that!

I can only imagine how many episodes of Dynasty there are. Wasn't it on forever?

I miss it too 😢. We could wait a week before watching a next episode, but that's not the same. Can't build up the same kind of anticipation.


Too many episodes! I didn't watch them all, because it got really bad after the Moldovian massacre.


I should look up how many. (But won't, feeling too lazy.) It's got to be hundreds.

I only saw 15 minutes of one, so know nothing about The Great Moldovian Massacre.


No worries, Cat! Stratego to the rescue! Apparently there were 220 episodes. Then there was also the spin-off show The Colbys.

Th Moldavian Massacre (in the fictional country of Moldavia, not the real country Moldovia. My bad) was an infamous cliff-hanger with an extremely disappointing resolution. Ali MacGraw was killed off, that was it!


I binged Murder She Wrote once. That is one show that doesn't need more than one at a time. After a couple of seasons I wanted to see Jessica killed. lol


Lol, I'm with you! 😆 I actually believe Jessica is a serial killer responsible for all those murders. Tie her up and put her in the electric chair!




At first I was confused because I thought that the thread was about using Microsoft's search engine. I'm guessing you're referring to "bingeing", as in watching several episodes of a tv show or several movies in the same day.

Yeah, I've done both. Microsoft's search engine is a pretty good alternative to Google, but a better alternative is Qwant.

As for "bingeing", I rarely do it. I don't usually have the time or the patience to watch several movies in the same day and the most I've watched when it comes to tv shows has been two or three episodes.


I can understand why you were confused at first, but I was talking about Microsoft's SE, so in the end you weren't confused at all.

I tried using Bing for several months, but I never liked it as well, so dumped poor Bing and went back to Good Old Google.


I binge my time on this website.

Apart from that, no, for an obsessive, I very rarely, if ever, binge. Too much of a good thing is too much.


I'm surprised.


By what?


Firstly I need to hang my head...🙇‍♀️! Why? When I did a cursory look at the OP’s I stopped at yours, Cat. “Binging”? What does she mean by binging? It was when I read your OP I saw the light! Hallelujah! I was reading binging as you would read “ringing”! 😳🙄Oh dear! Mind games again!

Anyhow, what was the question again? Oh, got it! I binge frequently. No, not my red Solo cups containing adult beverages! The latest was on Prime Video. Fantastic 2 seasons of “The Missing”. I was mesmerized by the actor (Tcheky Karyo) who played Detective Baptiste. I watched episode after episode. Only 2 seasons😡!


I coulda been talking about Matthew Perry's character on Friends as a verb. Maybe I was! I'm so confused 😔

What was the highest number of episodes you binged in a day? It sucks when you find a new show you love that much, and there are only 2 seasons 🙁


Miss Cat, you have nothing on me when it comes to confusion...but, on second thought you probably have to think hard where you live after the nomadic life you’ve had for the past two years!

When scrolling through Netflix or Amazon Prime Video I won’t watch a program with only one season. I check on my “joined to the hip” iPad to see if the program has another season, but hasn’t made it yet to Netflix, etc. If it’s been discontinued it’s a no go for me.

Highest number in a day? Maybe six or more. I’m up late (insomnia and tummy issues) so I usually do fall asleep during an episode. I hate that because I can’t recall what I’ve watched!😡

I’m a homebody dealing with an almost 6 month black yorkie. I swear it seems as if she takes 23 out of 24 hours! I call her my she’s the battle of the wills. I’m attempting to the point of exhaustion to litter box train her using wee wee pads. When it comes to potty training I read yorkies are in the top 5 most difficult dogs to potty train. I’m constantly mopping...mostly at midnight after she’s in her playpen for the night.

And she’s still teething, destroying everything, door jambs, rugs, zippers, styrofoam, shrink wrap along with the cardboard, shoes, the wee wee pads are so much fun for her! I started out using dog litter, but she started eating the paper dowels. I took 2 twenty-five lb bags to our local shelter. Such is life...sigh


😄 Yes, it must be the nomadic lifestyle finally getting to me, Ksp!

It's about the same for me, 6 or so is the most I can do too. Sorry you're experiencing tummy problems and insomnia. I too watch movies and shows to help me get to sleep, and it is annoying when you fall asleep, even though that was the point! The worst of it is when you haven't any idea which episode it was where you drifted off.

You got your puppy! Congrats!! Yep, it's true that Yorkies are very difficult to housebreak. That's one of the reasons I wouldn't want one, but they are very cute!

You took on a lot getting a pup, when you already have so much to deal with. I'd have thought you'd have gotten an adult.

Well, I hope at the same time you're enjoying little she-devil's company, in addition to all the extra work she's causing you.


Not to I? I finally became a member of that group. The group is called “If I Had A Brain I Would Be Dangerous!” Sort of like the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz.

I’ve attempted several times to adopt from a yorkie rescue to no avail. The animal shelter here receives very few. Before I left Florida I located one with the same name of the one I lost. Applicants had to write a letter and I did so informing the rescue group I had been a yorkie “mom” on and off for over 30 yrs. I had to agree to a home inspection which was fine as I had a fenced in doggie run and all supplies. I just knew they were going to permit me to adopt Molly! Not so! Since I was moving out of state I was turned down as they do home inspections the following year after adoption! No case worker in the new state.

I received this one in January and took my first trip to Florida with her. I got a calming med from the vet, purchased a nice airline carrier and playpen, and put diapers on her. She was fine for five hours even when I stopped for gas or a potty run for me. There was no way I was going to put her down where other dogs walk. She did great in the motel sleeping in her playpen, soft doggie house and potty pan was put inside. I covered the playpen with a blanket like you do for a bird.

She was scheduled to be spayed this week, but the little she devil got a bout of gastroenteritis....$186.00 vet bill! She eats anything and everything! Vet had to do an foreign objects. She’s on grain free Salmon kibbles. Today I baked her cookies consisting of only three ingredients: oat flour, natural peanut butter and canned pumpkin.


I binge films but watch very little TV these days. For example I was in a Marvel mood a few weeks ago and watched 16 Marvel movies in a week.


We love binging. I will never watch a TV series from week to week again.


How many episodes per day can or do you watch? 4-6 is my limit.


That's about right. A six episode series we do 3 and 3 and a eight episode we do 4 and 4.


I discovered bingeing around 2010 with shows like Breaking Bad and Madmen (when they were in their 2nd or 3rd seasons)...and I was kind of glad to have it both ways because I liked them both a lot and did enjoy the anticipation of waiting week to week and year to year as much as gulping them all down with one shot. I'm glad to have been forced to wait for instant gratification with their later seaons like I am right now with GOT.. and the upcoming Handmaids Tale.
I went on to binge watch shows that were completely done like Six Feet Under, The Wire, The Shield, LOST...and on and on.

I like bingeing series because it saves me from procrastinating on what film to watch and is a great way to escape..But I'm picky about it. It has to grab me pretty quickly or I'll move on.
And I won't watch many new shows anyway unless it's a season in and has proven itself.

I will occasionally binge a particular actors films or a genre but I usually don't get very far with it.


I discovered it around the same time as you, Bohemian. Maybe a little later, because I watched all of Mad Men as it aired. I have binged it plenty since then!

It is nice that you experienced them both ways. There's something to be said for each.

I binged Lost as well. Too many episodes, and eventually I lost interest and never finished. IMO that's one show that would have benefitted from watching it week to week.
