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I stopped women using the men's bathroom tonight

I was doing security in the bar and there was a big queue for the females, so some started to go into the mens. I went in and stopped one. "Out" I said to one about to enter the toilet area. Someone said there were already some in the stalls so I let it slide. Big lesbian woman comes out (half expected her to tell me she identifies as a man.) She said 'what's the big deal?" and I said 'would you like men going into the females?" and she said 'no, but it's not as bad.' WTF?

So I leave and then I see it happening again. I go to open the door and this guy says "ladies, 3 stalls available" I say "no, they're not." He says "I tried!" to the girls.

Then this guy says to me "is this the law or the venues policy?" I said "i don't know about the law but this is our policy." He replies (WTF), "What about gender equality? Does it matter?" I said "They have their own toilet mate. Do you think you should be allowed to use theirs?" He pauses "well no but their line is long."

Then another guy said something similar. WTF? I said "well that's how you feel, just because you're comfortable with women in here doesn't mean that everyone else is."

No, women should not be allowed to use the mens! There is a urinal and men have a right to privacy from women walking past! Some people are from cultures that would be VERY offended to have a woman walk past.

Then there is the legal issues. What if a women went in and got raped?

I just don't like how 1) women feel entitled to use the mens, without regard for how men would feel but would hate it the other way around and 2) people thinking that just because they're cool with it everyone else should.

What they're actually proposing is a FEMALE TOILET and a UNISEX.

That's not equality!


I went to the moon yesterday. True story!!


I know jay z


I used a men's toilet once in a packed club when the ladies queue was ridiculously long ... there was p!ss all over the floor and it smelled awful ( I used it anyway as I was desperate), but that experience put me off for life!!
Now I make sure to give myself some time and not wait til the last minute.

I think you did the right thing here though ... You are right, I wouldn't like a man in the ladies .


Thank you.

Yeah, men piss all over the toilets when drunk so it's no place for a lady anyway.


Well, ladies also piss all over the toilets when DRUNK.


Yes good story. If womem just used bathroom quicker like men there would be no queue, but they are selfish and take up too much time and do makeup and other things. How long it takes to urinate? Maybe three minutes. So they make no sense.


That's the gender equality double standard.Women want to be treated as equals and yet they feel they should be entitled to things that they chastise men for.Which is the polar opposite of equality.


and I didn't like the men facilitating it either. You're cool with it, fine, doesn't mean every other man is. That pisses me off.


I believe if trannies can use the restrooms these days everybody should be able to switch there gender and use whatever restroom has the smaller line. This is a free country nobody should be waiting in line while another genders restroom has free spots


Trannies should use disabled


that would be an insult to the actual disabled people. life is tough enough for em without having to share bathrooms with transexuals


Well i'll be sure to explain your philosophy to the ladies the next time i head into their bathroom because there's a line for the men's.Although i'm not sure they'll be able to hear me in between screaming pervert,dousing me with pepper spray and calling the the police.


Just say ur a transsexual lesbian women dressed as a man because ur lesbianism. it works everytime


"Then there is the legal issues. What if a women went in and got raped? "

um, what?


Say i go 'oh yeah, that's fine' and leave it and a woman is there by herself an a convicted rapist walks in and decides 'what the hell?' and rapes her. Would the venue be liable for letting her in?


no of course not , you might be liable for letting the rapist in i guess, but thats off topic

Raping a woman is no less of a crime if she is in a men-only area , thats as stupid as the "look what she's wearing"
defense, and either way the rapist is at fault , not the club.

to re-phase , if the club has any liabilitys / responsibilities, they arnt going to start or stop at a toilet door.


Have you heard of the term "duty of care"? This would be a breach I'd imagine.


I dont think so. What precautions could you possibly take to prevent a rape of any sex in any location on the property? put signs up?


Venues have a legal obligation to monitor their guests when alcohol is for sale.


So what are you currently doing to prevent any same sex rapes in either of your bathrooms?


Same sex rape is rare though.


ok , same question but swap "same sex rapes" for "violent assault"


To pee or not to pee, that is the question 🚽🧻


good points
