MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Most overlooked comic book movies

Most overlooked comic book movies

List your list of comic book movies you feel get overlooked and why you feel they don't deserve to be overlooked.

Sin City: For the life of me I can never understand why this one often gets forgotten about. Whenever someone says that Deadpool captured the comic book better than any comic book movie I simply point to Sin City. Sin City literally put the comic book on the screen! This was not an adaption of comic book characters but a translation. It was very immersive and visually pleasing, green screen done the right way. The style is what makes it but honestly it has some clever dialogue from it's characters as well. Love this movie an all time favorite of mine. The sequel not so much.

Blade 1: This is most definitely a b movie. Thing is though what I love about it is it is dark and brooding but does not commit the cardinal sin of being boring. So many comic book movies that are sub par that go for dark are so dreary and dull. ie Batman v Superman. This movie honestly has creative action sequences and a quite unique looking hero. Bad cgi yes, some sub par writing yes but honestly action holds up great the villain is a bit fun and I just fine the film to be a blast. No artistic value but fun nonetheless. A movie I know is not great but I have so much fun with it.

Blade 2: This film I love as well. The nice part about this is the choreography and direction is a bit more polished. Now I am not saying the choreography in the first was bad because it was quite excellent but Del Toro definitely has a knack for shooting an action scene. A new villain which is fun and a new enemy and angle to take the franchise. Again awful cgi and it is nothing great but still so fun. I admit the one thing I like better about the first is the more gothic vampire feel. This one feels more science fiction and less like a vampire film. Either way though solid follow up. Blade trinity though yeah never happened.

Hellboy 2: I feel this one got swallowed up by Iron Man. Which while Iron Man is great it is a shame this one got the shaft. Honestly it improves on the first movie in every way imaginable in my book. The use of practical effects, editing and choreography are again top notch. Is this going to win points for originality? No but the style and immersion the film brings is quite a bit of fun. Funny thing is watch this and Blade 2 back to back. The villain is beat for beat the same, it even is the same actor who portrays both villains lol.

Scott Pilgrim vs the World: A movie which got out grossed by Expendables, and Vampires suck... This one did a fantastic job at making something fun while also making fun over the top action sequences. This one did a great job at honoring the comic as well. Not quite as well as Sin City but no doubt honored it rather well.


I saw and enjoyed both Sin City and Scott Pilgrim, and agree with your reviews.



Ghost World
Judge Dredd
Batman Returns


The one with the lasers pew pew pew !


I have overlooked them all πŸ™‚πŸ™‚


me too, except 'Mystery Men'


Blade is a favorite of mine. Snipes was like a vampire-hunting Terminator, just a remorseless, unstoppable killer.


Exactly why I love Blade. I feel like he came a little too early, before the comic book movie craze. I think if he came now people would have been more receptive to it.


But Blade was recepted well at the time. Even internationally. And it got many sequels.


That's true. I just think it would be a much bigger success today than back then.


Constantine (2005)

I always liked that movie. Maybe because I was a Catholic, so I tend to be interested in movies that deal with angels and demons and Catholic mythologies in general.

I know Keanu is unlike the way Constantine is depicted in the comics, but well Wolverine is also not exactly the same too but it's all right.


Yes that’s another good one. Great supporting cast with Rachel Weisz, Tilda Swindon, and the actor who played Satan. Even the Bush guy (Rosedale?) was pretty good.


seconded on

sin city
mystery men
scott pilgrim

let's see....

is frisky dingo a movie ?
