MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Trends in Speaking, Singing - the nasall...

Trends in Speaking, Singing - the nasally thing, the vocal fy thing, the up talk thing.

for the past decade or more, there has 'caught on' a trend to nasal voice

also, a trend in singing to get all 'breathy' & 'raspy' - started with gals, soon the boyz caught on 2:

i wish it would all stop.

this guy thinks it helps him:


The dreaded "vocal fry"! Easily the most annoying speaking habit ever.


Try vocal fry and up-talking...drag out every word and end every statement like its a question...

'Like, itss thee worrrst..?'
I notice this with younger women a lot

So as I dont seem to be piling on the ladies I should mention 'The BRUKLYN!' thing younger guys do
They wave their arms around like bees are attacking them and shout stuff that requires no shouting...

'EY, im goin' to the store, NEED SMOKES?!?'
Jeez, they really make a scene like theyr'e Goodfellas or something lol


Yes Ive noticed the up talking thing too. I dont know if they think it sounds cute but it doesnt.


they do in the south. the deeeeeep south. too.

it is irritating on a number of levels. one is almost instinctive. we're trained to respond to intonation - with these people (no offence if you are one of the dummies who talks like this), our ears prick up with every utterance - is this a question i'm expected to have listened to and now provide some sort of serviceable answer?


I think they think it sounds cute and agreeable but its just off-putting


Yeah, but I hate uptalking more? You know, the way people talk like they are asking question constantly? Like they weren't even sure? If what they were saying was the right word? But it happens all the time?


Just like that lol!


Up-talking!!!! It used to be just young women, now it's everyone of all ages. I even hear news commentators using it. Drives me crazy, as does the use of "like"! Get a grip people. Do you know how stupid these things sound?


Oh you said it?
Like, it is super obnoxious??

Just kidding slim, it really is annoying


record labels forced them to sing in this way to stand out in the market, how can you have an edge when you sound like everybody else.


but how would you know that? like a lot of gimmicks, it worked great the first time (britney spears as the slutty school girl, is my recollection of the start of it), but it doesnt wear well. at least if you remember when you never had to put up with it.

anyhoo, not everyone agrees. these womenfolk resent being 'policed' - put that in your pipes, geezers :


I am sure Britney's label made her sing that way because her real voice is totally different.


the heart of it, imo, is that some people are more apt to internalize affectations than others.


"Innit" 😠😠😠


Yes, it's awful! They're just putting on a weird voice.


there hasn't been nearly enough attention to the most annoying of these (imo) things - the nasally thing

here is some friendly manly advise:
