MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > For Dewey (Yes, another one. Deal with i...

For Dewey (Yes, another one. Deal with it!)

I think I'm finally ready to write something (it won't be a good something, but it will be _a_ something...).

I think I've reached Depression, but I'm also a) always depressed and 2) I think I might be doing those grief steps out of order, so who knows when Acceptance might be arriving.

If I were Dewey I could write a post filled with the most witty, insightful and heartfelt words (even if I wouldn't be able to type them good. Our friend was many things, but a fine typist he wasn't). I could also pick the perfect songs to go with the mood of the occasion. If only he would come back to eulogise himself that would be most helpful. And then forget to go back. And then stay forever.

You all feel it. And you all felt _him_ and who he was. There isn't much more I could add. Dewey was the most wonderful, giving and selfless person I’ve known on and off line. I suppose he was also very "charming" and had a great sense of "humour" (sorry, Dewey, the jury's still out on that one, even now).

I'll miss derailing stupid troll posts with him and Dazed. I'll also miss getting "December, 1963" stuck in my head for days thanks to the chats Dewey and kspkap had. Oh, what the hell, let's do it one more time for old times sake!

Most of all I'll miss talking with him. In fact, the list of things I'll miss is too long for even a "Bonkers getting lost in the replies" trail.

I'll wrap this up because I'm going back to Denial. I'll leave you with a video of the man himself. I know he wouldn't mind me sharing it with you guys.

Dewey deserves all the "cheesy" posts that ever cheesed. He was my friend, and the finest lady that ever lived. I miss him very much.

PS: A last topping of cheese. (I can't help myself. I'm Bulgarian, cheese is our favourite food group)


Mina!! I thought you were so far up the Nile we were going to have to send Bonkers in for you. I think we've all spent a bit of time there but I'm very happy to see you. Psst those Pyramids aren't all that.

Liza with Z! Here's to Brenda the best soccer mom in "somewhere beginning with P".🍸 I hope she's sipping on a Mongolian vodka Martini using her charisma to charm St.Peter, after being profoundly shocked St.Peter really exists.

So Mina, Ludmilla is just ours now, how do you want to do this?


" ...after being profoundly shocked St. Peter really exists. "

Good one, lol ! I've been thinking along similar lines.


I went so far up the Nile I ended up atop Kilimanjaro!

The existence or non-existence of anyone won't stop Brenda from charming them anyway.

I think we owe it to Dewey to give him a proper old man send off, and put Ludmilla with him, like they did in the ancient times of his youth. Or, you can have her on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and I get her on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On Sunday she rests. We can share the money for her feed.


P.S You're right your thing isn't a very good is a most excellent thing girl😊


See, I was right! He did look like Liza!

Thank you, Mina. We all understand how you've been feeling.😔


You got it! Those two could've been twins.

Thank you, Strat!


A sincere and wonderful post
Just like the man himself
Well done Mina🍻


Thank you, YonkersGuy!


Glad you posted this. Thanks Mina


Thanks, SK. Don't think I didn't see my two favourite guys thinking of my well-being either. I'm a strong, independent woman, damn it, and it warmed my heart!


Perfect, Mina, just perfect! Your post is one of only a few I could get through with dry eyes. Of course I had to listen to “Oh What A Night” again, recalling Dewey’s story about his wild Thursday to Sunday adventure away from home. I do believe I felt him blushing when the meaning of the song was explained. Priceless! Your post was as if our beloved Dewey was speaking through you.😇😂 Thanks!


Thank you ksp! I'm glad one of us got through this post with dry eyes :)


Just had to share.
I've been reading my pm's and in one my tablet autocorrected a word, so I have to explain what I actually meant. He says.
"I thought you were just being mysterious. Mina has already given me a lecture on proof reading today so I won't pay that forward"

It made me chuckle.


Thanks for that Dazed! I did tell him off a lot, didn't I. I'll miss it.

I remember you calling him Dewdrop once. It was such a sweet thing to call him, and it always makes me smile when I think about it.


He thought the world of you, especially when you were telling him off!

I just did a lot of forbidding. He must have been a glutton for punishment😂



