MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you buy/subscribe to magazines?

Do you buy/subscribe to magazines?

I once subscribed to Time Magazine for a few years but got over it. And a video arcade had their own magazine that I subscribed to as a teen.

Other than that, nothing.

What about you?


I once subscribed on a magazine called " unsolved mysteries",but it's gone now


That sounds cool. I remember a few mystery magazines with pictures of the bermuda triangle or the pyramids on the cover.


Are you in the UK? I used to buy a magazine with that name. IIRC the first issue was about the death of Marilyn Monroe. I think they also did JFK, and Roberto Calvi ('God's Banker").



When I was a kid, someone donated their entire national geographic collection to my class, and we had about 100 of them packed up in the corner. When we had to do reading sometimes I'd grab one. But they were a little bit boring for a 12 year old.



This was in 1993


I like People, OK, In Touch, Star and Closer. Gives me something to read when I'm on the bike



Yes, indeed



Sounds good :)


Empire, Four Four Two and the Fortean Times.


I used to subscribe to The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Time Out, the New York Post, the New York Times, the Daily News, The Economist...several others...

I turned 40 years old 5 years ago and realized none of it meant a goddamned thing to me...people are always going to hurt each other, the weather sucks everywhere, all of the politicians are crap and i dont give a rats ass what Kim Karfattiass is up to

News blackout here Amigo



Sometime between the latest 'psycho shoots up a school' and 'pissed of militant islamic guy blows up a bus stop' story i just quit...

I have flowers to smell, a woman in my bed, a full bar and plenty of ice... World seems to be killing itself
I dont want to know about it


WOW that’s a lot of reading!


It was, as it turns out, too much reading

I once read 3 newspapers a day and 3 or 4 weekly news magazines regularly...
I could have told you the name of the King of Pingo-Pango, the current Terrorist Alert level, which star was currently in re-hab and any number of other bits of horseshit that matter not at all

One day it dawned on me...
Pay the bills, cuddle the family, keep the cupboard stocked and guns at the ready...let the world burn itself down if it wishes

I am happier for not following the so called 'news' these days
Its all a bunch of nonsense and horrible stories
I have movies for that;)


I was bored with Time Magazine, and when they gave my idol Michael Jackson 1 star for his album Invincible, I was done.


Well done👍


Not anymore. Sports Illustrated was the last one.


Smithsonian magazine


Not since Pornhub became a thing. 😉

Many over the years.
The last was a magazine about minor league and amateur baseball.


never heard of it.


I almost believed you.
Then I realized a guy who looks like Bobby Orr doesn't need such things.

At least you know where your Canadian Tax dollars are going.
