MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone else...

Does anyone else...

...enjoy letting a film play on all the way through the end credits?
If it's a good film--one that you enjoy--I feel that letting the movie run all the way through the end credits enhances the overall experience. You get information about the production, though I don't always read it all (EDIT: actually, I never really try to read every single credit, it's hard to do that, but sometimes I'm just waiting for the info I want, and kind of assessing the manner in which the info is displayed). And you have the music--the score (EDIT: though of course sometimes it isn't the score per se, sometimes it's a chosen song, like with Goodfellas and Brick, and certain television shows like Breaking Bad and The Sopranos)--helping to give closure to the experience.
Most people I know do not share my enthusiasm for end credits.
Here are some examples of movies to watch all the way through--
--Requiem For a Dream
--Eyes Wide Shut
--There Will Be Blood
And there are so many more. Does anyone know what I mean?


Watching the end credits for a beautiful score alone is worth it. Anyone who has never done that before are missing out. The best example I can think of are the Star Wars end titles with John Williams music playing. It's pivotal to enjoying a more engrossing cinematic experience as you describe above. Ever notice how early films, circa pre 1990s, have long credit openings before commencing the film, like Superman: The Movie, also featuring John Williams's talent?


Not familiar with the Superman movies, but I agree with Star Wars which is such an iconic score.
I sort of know what you mean about pre 1990's films, like how most films from 60's and 70's didn't really have end credits (Hitchcock films come to mind). But this also makes me think of Taxi Driver, another great one to watch all the way through (it was designed that way), and that was from the seventies.


Seems like the current trend is to cut out the intro in current shows, including brief credits before the send offs. I think it's meant to gives us more show. I also think the internet plays a large role in this trend; easy to look up names and the show is less reliant on giving that "memory picture" to ensure we'll remember they exist for the next episode or project.



I can't stand not finishing the credits. They give closure and often have great music. I can't just snap out of a movie like that. I also stay till the end of the credits when I go to the movie theatre.


Excellent points, LDG!



Always with Rocky II and Police Academy (1984)


Starz is the worst for this. I was watching Lord of the Rings Return of the King yesterday. The end credits are a series of wonderful hand sketches of the characters shown while the absolutely beautiful song “Into the West”, which won both a Grammy and an Oscar, plays over them.

They muted the music, and split the screen to blast an ad for their series “Power”. I was furious.


Yep, I hate when the paid channels throw an ad over the end credits. Isn't the whole point of a paid channel to not have any interruptions through the ENTIRETY of the film? Makes me so angry, especially when the ad is for some show I am not even remotely interested in watching.


I do this at the theater all the time for some weird reason.


I couldn't agree more. You find out some very interesting stuff in the credits. In addition sometimes there's some extra footage at the end of the credits that the jackrabbits miss. Besides, they're part of the movie. I paid an arm and a leg
to see the stupid movie, so I'm going to see ALL of it.



Not I. I'm an impatient sort who FFWs through the opening credits and hits stop after a film is over. The only exception is Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Yes, I'm a Philistine.


I go the bathroom once the credit starts.
