MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should he have to pay?

Should he have to pay?

So, on another website, someone I will call Paul thought a guy someone I will name Richard was a Troll, and Paul said,"Richard, I think you are a Troll. Prove to me in the offline that you are a real person in order to redeem yourself in my eyes and I will give you a $100 Visa gift card. I will pist proof I tried to meet you offline." It just so happened that Paul and Richard lived in adjoining Counties and they agreed to meet at a Chili's restaurant in a few days. Richard said he would be wearing all black. One of the other posters joked something like,"You'll recognize Richard right off the bat. He's Johnny Cash!"LOL. Richard asked what Paul looked like to no avail.

Anyways, the big day came Paul went to Chili's while online the website looking for Richard. Richard online replied,"I am here in the back wearing all black eating ribeye steak and fries." Paul saw a WOMAN in the back eating wearing all black eating ribeye steak and fries. Online, Paul asked Richard,"Are you a man or a woman?" Richard skirted the question being coy about it saying something like,"Go up to the person wearing all black in the back eating ribeye steak and fries to find out!" Richard once again asked what Paul looked like and Paul once again ignored the question. The woman also had a beach bag on her. Paul asked something like,"Richard, do you have any certain bags on you and what type of bag is it? Richard replied something like,"It is a beach bag."

During the meal, a dorky looking guy ordered a ribs and fries meal and he got it and was eating next to the woman. Paul asked if anyone else was sitting by Richard. Richard replied,"Yes, some dorky nerd who looks like he stepped out of Revenge Of The Nerds movie!"

A longwhile later, Richard posted online something like,"Done with the Chili's meal. Going home since I never saw Paul." Paul uploaded a receipt from Chili's that had the time stamp he was there as proof he was there.

Later on, Paul told Richard off online when Richard confessed he was the woman in all black eating steak and fries at Chili's. Paul said,"Richard, all you had to say was,"Yes, I am the woman eating the steak and fries," when I asked",Are you a man or a woman?" And instead you decided to act coy about it."

Richard said his(her)real name was Alicia and she was trying to surprise Paul and admitted it backfired big time on her. She asked,"Do I still get the $100 Visa gift card?" Paul enraged said,"You really don't deserve shait! You had me thinking you were a MAN!"

Other posters chimed in saying,"Paul, you DID say,"Prove to me that you are REAL, and I will give you a $100 Visa gift card. You said NOTHING about gender so pay the woman or end up looking like a Welcher who doesn't keep his word!" Paul shot back,"I told who I thought was a MAN named RICHARD I would pay him a $100 Visa gift card! Richard didn't show up! A WOMAN named ALICIA showed up! There is NO way I should have to pay her deceiving ass! I thought I was being set up!"

The other posters pointef out,"The very REAL PERSON posting under the Richard username showed up, so give her the $100 card!" It was becoming a real warzone, and Paul began throwing nasty insults to Alicia saying something like,"Alicia looked like she was 40-55 and looked like she was from another country. I didn't want to talk to her Other members were offended and said,"Paul, you didn't want to talk to Alicia because she looked like she was from another country? Is your birthname Donald Trump by any chance?"

Alicia replied something like,"I am 28 and most people tell me I look YOUNGER and I was born and raised in The USA!"

Two MODERATORS soon became involved. One Moderator said,"I'm kind of with Paul on this. I wouldn't have walked up to a WOMAN either if I were looking for a MAN! The other Moderator said,"I'm kind of on Alicia's side. I mean she DID ask him twice what he looked like and he ignored her. She most likely would have said,"Hi!" If she knew what he looked like!" Plus, he did say,"Real person!"

One of the Moderators said that they would mediate between Paul and Alicia in private to discuss a settlement of the $100 Visa gift card that Alicia and Paul could BOTH be happy with. Alicia and Paul agreed to let the moderator mediate for them.

So, do you think Paul should have to pay Alicia? :/


I think this entire story took place only in your apparently very limited imagination, truth be told.


No comment...better this way😎


Kentry - "I am NOT Ben!"


Dazed. that was very nice of you to save it a little typing ;-) ;-)


All he had to do was walk up to the lady (or the man next to her) and say, "Hi, I'm Paul" and it would have proceeded from there, or not.

Was this the first time he had been out of the house all year, or something? HE should have said upfront he was socially inhibited or has aspergers syndrome, or whatever, and might not be able to address people and go through with it (or needed special accommodations)


Story is complete fiction, and bad fiction at that.


We KNOW it is fiction because people who post on movie sites (aside from MovieChat, of course) never leave the house.




You know it is true....we are the best site with the most well-balanced members.

All else are freaks...



[yes (of course)]


Which reminds me, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Warden St. James (and the entire asylum staff) for extending the wifi connections to our cells....


And for giving us the option of having customised strait jackets. Mine's in a lovely shade of periwinkle, thanks to Mr. St James and his staff.


(I think his wife sewed those)
(I forget her name)


(Tsk, tsk, how could you forget? Her name is Susan.)

(My particular strait jacket is based on a character from Jigsaw, thanks to her fine tailoring skills, eye for colour, and heretofore unknown costuming talents.)


<< Her name is Susan. >>

Right. I remember now! I was put in solitary for calling her Suzanne.



This is silly. He would be sitting there with this woman in sight, easily able to tell that she gets on her phone and starts tapping away right before each of "Richard"s responses, and stops tapping the moment before they're posted.

No way could he miss something that obvious.

That makes the story sound fake. If it is real, he should pay the gift card just for failing to notice something so obvious.





It is haven't put 2 and 2 together yet???


I mentioned the likely fakery in my post but I don't have enough interest to have an opinion on that.


Doesn't require much thought, honestly. It's beyond obvious.


I think we should be paid for reading this.


I have to be honest,I didn't!


How come?


I recognized the name from a previous sad story.


Oh. Thank you. I was just being a smart a$$.


I disagree with "beyond obvious." People do dumb crap every day, this story would barely register on that scale.


That's because it's obviously poorly contrived fiction.


This happened on ANOTHER website so of course it wouldn't be typical of posters HERE... ;)


Uh-huh...and what web site did it happen on? I'm guessing none except, again, the one in your imagination. And please save the excuses; you weren't involved, so there's zero reason to "protect" anyone, nor is there any way for anyone to know who these folks really are -- if they had ever existed, of course...which they didn't.


I'm with Frogarama, personally. No offence to you, Naps. Lots of people do unbelievably stupid things all the time. It happens often enough offline, and far more frequently online.

That said, I do have to wonder what the point of the OP is. Why make an OP here out of an alleged trolling incident on another alleged web site? What's the point?


Uhm, to further trolling ?




I'm with you and Dazed on this one, naps. I started to read it, didn't bother to finish because it became just too damn obvious.


"Lots of people do unbelievably stupid things all the time."

Not disputing that at all, Cat. I'm just saying that I think this particular story is complete fiction, and, again, piss-poor fiction at that. Oh, and of course, there is no point...another trademark...
