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What did you watch this week (06/08-12/08)

Hi everyone. I had a better movie week than last week.

Here t'is:

Strecth ( 2014 TV): ‘’ A hard-luck limo driver struggles to go straight and pay off a debt to his bookie. He takes on a job with a crazed passenger, whose sought-after ledger implicates some seriously dangerous criminals.’’ I missed the first 20 minutes but from what I saw, I liked Chris Pine’s character, I liked the costumes designs, the trashed and burnt limo was cool and… that’s about it. The whole thing felt a bit too forced for me to get into it 100% and the narrating of the main character describing his troubles and finding the silver lining in the end made it more fake to me. Or fakier…? IDK. Anyways, I am a huge fan of Smokin’Aces but this one from the same director was not really for me. 5.5/10

Monster House (2006 Bluray): First off, the charming characters from this story made me feel as if they had a life of their own. I didn’t feel like I was watching an animated film with voice acting and that might be the greatest accomplishment for such a movie. Secondly, the graphics were gorgeous, yes, but the unique, pleasant atmosphere, the creative vibe and the originality of the story is what made this a great movie. Finally, I had some good laughs, it kept me engaged and there are countless thrills for all ages. 8/10

Multiplicity (1996 DVD): Sometimes, there’s nothing anyone could ever say or ever do, a movie is just perfect for you. Plotholes? Bad timing? Poor editing? Pffff, forget about it. This movie is flawless. I must have seen it a dozen times over the past 20 years and it still makes me laugh. It’s funny but mostly, it sticks a smile on my face that I can’t erase until at least 5 minutes after the movie is over. In my top 5 ‘’feel good comedies’’. 10/10

Arrival (2016 Netflix): This story was powerful and this movie touched me. It showed the good in us, it showed the bad. It showed what‘s holy and it showed what’s unhealthy. The cinematography was unique and the acting was impeccable (although I feel like I see Whitaker in too many movies recently). The story literally got me mad about us, human race, at some points only to bring me back to a place of simple wonder, a place of peaceful existence right after. 8-8.5/10 (BTW, Im willing to debate about any so called ‘’ Major plot holes/flaws’’ from this movie, if you’re interested.)
Special Shout-out to homeboy Denis Villeneuve, straight from Quebec! Rate him if you don’t hate him!
1. Incendies 8.5-9/10
2. Arrival 8-8.5/10
3. Prisoner 8/10
4. Polytechnique 7.5/10
5. Sicario: 6.5-7/10

The Wackness (2008 DVD): ‘’ It's the summer of 1994, a lonely teenager named Luke Shapiro spends his last summer before university selling marijuana throughout New York City, trading it with his unorthodox psychotherapist for treatment, while having a crush on his stepdaughter.” I liked this movie a lot! The main character is genuine and relatable. I saw, through him, parts people I know and I also saw parts of myself. The soundtrack was pure dopeness, the story/script was captivating and the actors made it all even more engaging. There is a speech from Ben Kingsley in the end about people you can’t trust and it really connected with me. It’s fun, touching and it managed to stand out among many other similar movies. 7.5-8/10

Dallas Buyers Club (2013 DVD): What I appreciated the most from this well-made film was the points it got across. Pharmaceutical medication that kills VS unapproved medicine that heals, homophobia VS tolerance and addictions VS healthy life. Very interesting subjects and they were handled with brio. The acting was impressive too (Personally I would’ve liked to see another actress instead of Jennifer Garner. Connelly maybe).But now, here is my main problem; It took me a long time to learn to appreciate the characters and still, in the end, I only slightly enjoyed them. Let me compare with a similar movie, my #1 of all time; In Requiem for a Dream, I really learned to know and love the characters even though they did abominable things. In this one, the feeling of disgust was so strong that it was very hard for me to have any empathy for any of them, making the movie less pleasant. One last thing that bothered me is the part where he suddenly (and way too easily) go clean and quit coke and speed and then his associate relapse once and he shows no sign of comprehension whatsoever and start menacing her/him. Otherwise, it was good. 7/10


Evil Dead 2


Did not see it.


They Look Like People (2015) - I thought it was an amazing display of humanity and friendship.

Lavender (2016) - Pretty good tension building movie.

Following (1998) - Cunning and clever.

Last Shift (2014) - A premise that has been used lots, but I was still entertained.

The Good Student (2006) - A decent movie if you're bored.


Im often known to watch a strange mix-bag of movies but you definitely beat me this week!

I think I saw Following but can't remember it.


Haha, I get told often that I am eclectic.


Following might be my favorite Nolan film.


I enjoyed it. :)


Hey Stone, been absent for a little bit. My recent contributions are :

1) Horns --- This caught me by surprise one day. It was slightly reminiscent of The Crow and Spawn but also had some creative differences, namely, the quirky, dark humor, which might qualify it as camp. I liked the twisting , turning mystery and the fantasy appearing quality of certain forest scenes. However, the ending fell flat, I thought, compared to the rest of the movie. 6.5/10

2) Allied --- Another surprise. I haven't been caught up in a romantic/ drama war movie in awhile. I liked much of the cinematography in this film. It seemed to capture the essence of that period. I also liked how it juxtaposed people trying to live somewhat normal lives against the backdrop of major war. In addition, I thought the story was plausible. I'm sure WW2 had others like it. 7/10


Hey, nice to see you!

I doubt that I'll like Allied but maybe I'll be surprised too. Always enjoyed Brad Pitt but idk, I don't feel the trailer.


I thought Monster House was a bit intense for young children. It gave my son nightmares. He was 7.

Arrival was okay until the end.

I tried to watch Dallas Buyers Club but I felt the subject manner was too depressing.

I agree with your ratings though.

Atomic Blonde was the only new movie that I watched last weekend. It's about spies trying to find a list that exposes their identity. The direction was so very stylized with a lot of 70s- 80s music since the setting took place during the Cold War in Berlin. Awesome soundtrack too. It's rare nowadays for feature films to have a great soundtrack to enjoy like back in the days which were 1980-1990. The violence is ultra and in some scenes set to music.

Some spoilers on this site:

The fight choreography was kick ass with some slow motion capture. I loved Charlize Theron's performance. The story was a bit confusing though.

Then I re watched Dune and Shot Caller. Shot Caller has a beautiful musical score as well. It's orchestra but it fits the tone of a crime drama.

Dune and Shot Caller are an 8/10


Cool, I'll try my best to find Shot Caller.


Shot Caller is playing in select movie theaters. Do a Google search to find which theater in your area has it. I know AMC Theaters does have it


I forgot to mention that I watched Snatched starring Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn. This movie flopped at the box office and gott poor reviews but I am a huge fan of Goldie Hawn so I took a chance on this.

It wasn't that bad of a movie! I had low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. It had some good humorous situations and Amy channeled some of Melissa McCarthy's essence without her profanity though. Trolls were complaining about Amy's weight but honestly, Amy didn't look that fat at all considering the camera adds 10lbs to your weight. I kind of expected more comedy from Goldie since Goldie has comedic talent, but her charactee was the serious mother while Amy played the quirky irresponsible and selfish daughter. Amy's character was larger than life cliche of other SNL female characters though so that required a certain suspension of disbelief. In fact the whole movie and the situations in it including the kidnapping of the lead characters and them meeting Wanda Sykes and Joan Cusack's characters. The kidnappers were cliche as well. But overall the movie wasn't bad. I laughed a lot and enjoyed watching these funny ladies on screen.
I don't recommend the movie unless you are a fan of either Goldie or Amy.


''pleasantly surprised, good humorous situations,I laughed a lot and enjoyed watching these funny ladies on screen, 4/10''

... someday you'll have to explain your rating system to me because your words don't match your ratings in my mind. That sounded more like a 6/10. Maybe 5.5


My rating system is kind of complicated. Basically I try to keep in mind who my readers are whenever I rate movies. A rating below 6 are movies that I DO NOT recommend for mainstream audiences or pop culture. Sometimes my opinions are biased even though I try my best to be objective.
My rating system is basically,

10 - excellent in every way in the categories of writing, direction, acting, visual effects, editing, cinematography, art direction and casting. They are generally award winners, iconic and sometimes have mainstream success as well as critically acclaimed.

9 - outstanding. Near perfection. Has some flaws in the categories listed above. Critically acclaimed and has high ratings (9-10) among viewers.

8 - Awesome. This is the rating most popular movies fall into. Very few flaws in the categories I listed for 10/10. Usually there are reboots and cult followings. These movies I love and watch often.

7 - very good. There probably will be sequels. A lot of big budget action movies fall into this category. I would watch at least one more time.

6 - good/average. Not really worth rewatching
5 - okay/Meh
4 - not bad
3 - bad A waste of time watching because there are just so many flaws and it's low budget

2 - awful
1 - terrible. Stay away from these.

In the case of Snatched, I know that I used positive descriptive words but trust me, I have a bigger vocabulary than that. Snatched had some funny scenes that made me laugh out loud but it wasn't hilariously funny or even gut busting- tears -streaming- down- my -face funny. It wasn't highly entertaining either although I did enjoy watching.


Uno: please put your own personal rating based on your appreciation of the movie on my thread. Not based on recommendations.

Secondo: I see the flaw in your system; 5 and 4 are synonyms/same.

You might want to refer to the rating systems I created. I'll copy/paste them for you in a minute.


Okay i will redefine the adjective for 5 and 6. And no i will not use your rating system bevsuse you rated Get Out a 10/10 which was preposterous.



Although it was a 9/10.

Are you sure you don't like my baseball rating system? It frickin rocks!


A 9 for Get Out is also preposterous. No I don't like your rating system. Get Out was like a 5/10.

Bad and awful is like the same thing too. Generally a rating of 4 or below is not worth watching in my opinion.


You should make your verifications before you say something because if you Google the meaning of the word awful it says: very bad l.



You should rethink Get Out as Awesome because it was more like, meh.


That's a question of taste


Which you don't have.


Now you're just not making any sense, how can... Ah forget it.



Imdb: 7.8 with 163 926 votes
Metascore: 83
Rottentomatoes: 99%

Why am I still waisting my time with you? AArrghh, I hate it when some troll get to me.



You're too nice and tolerant, Stone. Glad you finally saw the light.


Yeah, call me naive but I beleive in giving a person a chance and making my own opinion.

Turns out you were all right.
Saying someone has no taste based on ONE movie is like the crystal clear definition of a troll.


Yeah, I know. I fell into the same trap before. That's what they're banking on. That one has a very obvious track record by now.


well, hey, I was aaaalllmost able to have a decent conversation with him. Almost...


Actually, an it.


10: Grand Slam
9: Homerun
8: Triple
7: Double
6: Single
5: Foul ball
4: Strike Out
3. Hit by pitch
2. Forfeited
1. Disqualified

Or if you don't understand it, you can use this simpler one:

10: Thze Best
9: Thze Bomb
8: Thze Shit
7: Thze good
6: The okay
5: The Bad
4: The Ugly
3: The disgusting
2: The horror
1: The Fuck?

More seriously here is my real system:

10: Masterpiece/ Favourite
9: "A" Awesome!
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: average
5: BElow Average
4: Bad
3: Awful (gave this rating to less than 10 movies)
2: Did not finish-Might give second chance
1. Did not finish- No chance



Fresh off their failed previous tour-
Benny and the Socks




lol what did the post say?



Inhale, inhale, you're the victim
Come play my game
Exhale, exhale, exhale


Breathe with me, Breathe with me



That's actually on the right track as to what he said.

I'm the pain you tasted, well intoxicated


I started watching Preacher but I am a season behind so I am staying away from the board for Preacher because it will be all spoilers. I have to catch up before I can read the board!
I am loving season 1, the visuals, the humor, the characters.
I will be very sad if he cant get Eugene back from hell.


Never heard of that show, it looks awesome! Thanks



I think I finished season 1 last night so I need to catch up with the current season now.
So Carlos gets away alive but the whole town gets blown up including the organist lady and her kids? And Jesse just walks away like "oh well, spilt milk"?
I am kind of glad they are on the road now and we can get away from the town and the slaughterhouse, but there was a lot of collateral damage. The animal killings were hard for me even though it's not shown, we hear the sounds. Especially poor Brewster the bloodhound. :(
And you can't just let longhaired fancy guinea pigs loose in the fricken texas desert, they are not from here, and they will just get eaten by snakes or coyotes.
I know it's silly being bothered by animal deaths when so many people get killed but still I hope season 2 just kills people instead of so many critters.
