MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > dullest action scenes that come to mind?

dullest action scenes that come to mind?

For me, the boat chase in Live and Let Die. It just goes on for far too long with far too many needless comedy interludes from Sheriff J.W. Pepper. And even without the shitty comedy, the chase itself is pretty dull as there's really not much happening beyond just a few guys chasing Bond on a boat. There's no memorable stunt work or quips or even just music.

Easily one of the worst action sequences of the entire Bond series.

Which action scenes did you find incredibly dull?



Well, I will probably get lambasted for this. But the one scene that strongly comes to mind is the car chase scene in Bullitt. Now don't get me wrong, the chase in and of itself is amazing. And I'm sure it was extremely groundbreaking and exciting for its time. And it still is a great scene. BUT, the thing I find dull about it is the lack of sound. Human sound. For 10 full minutes you get this very high-speed chase with not one single utterance from either Bullitt or the 2 hitmen. Not one grunt or groan. Not one scream or swear. Nothing. Just utter silence. The chase may look very realistic. But the people in it don't act very realistic. There's no way in hell that if that chase was happening in real life that anybody involved would be completely silent. Maybe it was done for artistic purposes. But for me, it brings that scene down a few points. Quite dull for today's big sound filled action movies.


The final lightsaber fight between Darth Maul, Qui Gon Jin and Obi Wan. For the level of importance this fight in the movie, it was ridiculously dull. It literally looked like Bollywood fight choreography which use maybe 1/10,000th of the budget spent on this randomly flailing plastic swords and jumping from platform to platform like they were Mario Bros.


I assumed the level jumping was a device to keep the fight 1 on 1 as much as possible. There were just too many obvious opportunities for them to beat Maul when it was 2 on 1. I thought the second half where it was just Obi Wan vs Maul was pretty good.


Yeah, but what I find dull was the presentation. How the film portrayed fighting. I see no energy, no impact, it looked like as if they were playing with plastic toys instead fighting TO THE DEATH with swords. I saw better lightsaber duels in YouTube, and they use the tiniest of tiny budget. I've watched many many Hong Kong martial arts movies all my life so the level of cringe was high here.

If you have seen some Bollywood movies you'll instantly recognise how the jumping is exactly look like what they did. There is no momentum, no effort, the body movement shows no respect for gravity or any physics whatsoever. Yes jedi, the force, blah blah. Everyone can make excuses, it still looked like Mario Bros nonetheless.


The airport fight from Civil War was underwhelming. And the majority of the Battle of Five Armies in the last Hobbit film.


I can see how the airport battle felt underwhelming. They were like sibling fight, everyone want to win but actually don't want to hurt each other. The hesitation made them looked like they were holding their punches.

The stake was pretty low in this anyway. While other superheroes fight selflessly to save the world or to defeat evil, Civil War superheroes were basically paticipating in a glorified pissing contest.


Scuba scene in Thunderball was really long... it probably would be exciting in the sixties... but watching it now... it's super boring. All the later Transformers films are just the CGI equivalent of white noise to me... might as well be random shapes on a screen saver for me. Any Pirates of the Caribbean scenes with skeletons fighting is ridiculous... who cares what happens to already dead bodies? Pointless, except someone thought that it looked cool. Note to aspiring filmmakers... no matter how cool your F/X looks... it is meaningless without well written characters that the audience cares about.


All the later Transformers films are just the CGI equivalent of white noise to me.

Amen... I feel exactly the same. The first film... my mouth was literally hanging open in awe.


Awe in like wow! awe or like duh! awe?


"In awe" only means one thing where I'm from... WOW!!!! 😮😮😮😮


Yeah I guess you're right. Just there's so many people use sarcasm in the internet so you'll never know. Lol. 😅


Iron Man vs fighter jets scene in Iron Man (2005) was also far too long and boring. It just goes on and on and on. And it's a pointless scene after all. Even if it cut entirely it doesn't affect the movie at all. It's like a filler song in a music album, sounds passable but adds absolutely nothing to the whole package.


I can't think of the dullest maybe the bourne ultimatum which bored me to tears after the AWESOME car chase in marie's little red car in the Bourne Identity. I also Love all the kill bill scenes where Uma kicks ass!


The ten second drag race in The Fast and the Furious that lasted 2:26 on screen.


The cars go so fast time slows.


This is the best explanation I've seen yet.


In fact, Nolan ripped this movie off and went on to make Interstellar.


The fight scene between alice and nemesis in resident evil:apocalypse😉
