MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > HEADS UP: Importing the Entire IMDB Arch...

HEADS UP: Importing the Entire IMDB Archive, so site may be down for a little while this weekend

Quick heads up - This weekend I'll be importing the entire IMDB archive that has been made public, so the site may be down for a little bit while that happens. The original content had limits of 9 replies per thread and skipped quite a few of the less popular movies/shows, but thanks to the archive that has been made public, we'll now have the full archive.

If the site goes down for a bit, don't panic - we'll have lots more content and archived posts soon!



Good to hear!


You mean, you're really serious about this MovieChat thingy???? And here I thought you were just killing some time with it... 😉😉😉😉


Woo, great! Thanks for the heads up. Looking forward to seeing more of the archived posts on the boards. Thanks for your hard work and dedication!


could be a coincidence, but you're not the guy who has been scraping my site, the superior (all the posts, without all those pesky people) for the past few days are you? you jacked up my server bill, if so.



No, that wasn't him. That was Col Needham.





No panic..I trust you..You know exactly what you're doing. We'll be ready to pop back in when you're done, and Jim, thank you for giving us the warning which is just one more reason why we love being here. It's wonderful having someone care so much about their users. Thank you, Jim.


It really is nice to have a caring admin. I was on one other site where the admin was really nice, too, and made a point to make sure everyone felt welcome (other than trolls of course). It's so much better than having an impersonal overlord who doesn't say anything on the boards.


True Dat!


It's wonderful having someone care so much about their users. Thank you, Jim.


You took the words right out of my mouth!! :)


Can't wait Jim!

I've seen the archives pop a few other places, so thought you might be working on it as well.

I'm really not sure why all these other sites are popping up. I applaud them for trying, but all they're doing is further splintering the community.




does anyone know why my reply keeps getting deleted? bug in the forum software? third times a charm:

i heard someone say that imdbarchive was first. looked it up, and it checks out:

filmboards/imdbarchive: registered Feb 4th

moviechat: registered Feb 8th

imdbarchive is where all the legit og homies hang out.


Checked it out earlier. That place is DEAD man.


yeah it's dead....


a little slow... but growing. i think


You didn't delete your replies yourself? If not, that's weird. I can't see Jim deleting them, especially seeing as he didn't delete any troll posts (as far as I know anyway).




i certainly didn't do it. if it wasn't jim, then maybe it was that mysterious evil woman who plagiarized that netflix ad. what was her name again? oh, that's right. we never got it.

going innnnnn




Er, go in? Looks like imdbarchive got the joke, but it must be a show or film I haven't yet seen. Clue me in :)




Oh geez, I thought "go in" was some kind of phrase I just wasn't savvy to. … Isn't it?

I'm sure it's work to remove all of the troll accounts and their posts, but maybe there's a point or reason to not overtly deleting their accounts. I don't know. What the H do I know? Ha.




Plans planned. Creator. Mysterious ways.

Dammit, what does "go in" come from and why don't I know about this?! *angry face*




Oh, okay, so it's not A Thing! Sounded like it was, and I was just out of the loop. (Wouldn't be the first time, or the last ;)




Yeah, that's the up side, at least now I'll recognize it. Thanks for the linguistics lesson :)




the intent was always as an archive. it's how i was able to get so much of the main boards in time. i always loved checking out the forums after i'd watched something, and was upset that they were going away. i've been a part of communities that failed to archive before, and it always feels like a great loss. didn't want it to happen again. then i saw this site pop up, and it'd be a lie to say there wasn't some jealousy. despite being first, my site just never got the traffic this one did. i'm just not a good self promoter. but who knows, maybe it still can. thanks for liking my site though, even if it kind of sucks right now.

couldn't have created an archive before, because imdb never gave permission until they announced they were removing the boards.




That's what I thought: your intent was for it to be an archive, not (necessarily?) an ongoing live site. When I finally checked it out, recently, I was surprised to see a bit of active posting going on in the general threads.

I felt the same way as you: I'd always check out the IMDB boards after watching a show or film, and felt it to be a great loss to me personally, for that reason as well as boards of shows or films I've loved and felt a real sense of community with those who posted there, so IMDB suddenly pulling the plug the way it did was a real loss, to many of us.

Well, no matter what happens in the long run, you can feel good about yourself knowing you were the first to save the old threads and helped save our (former) community. I like and appreciate your site, too.


And I, too, like your site. In fact, I was just there a couple hours ago. I'm using my regular IMDb username on your's whereas, a different username here. But yeah, I think your site looks great and I'm sure you will get more people there with time. 😊


That's great news, thanks Jim. I can imagine how hard it is be since we already have lots of posts here and merging the two can be tricky. Appreciate all the work you're doing for us.


How far are you going back and is it for every board. I know we got a few updates with members here. You may be talking about old movies only. If so that would be great. Some movies have caught my interest lately and I like to get some thoughts
