MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Bill Paxton dead!

Bill Paxton dead!

Game over man,game over


his best was A Simple Plan


Love that movie 😢


that 911 phone call he made ..


I am shocked and devastated today over Mr. Paxton's sudden passing. Somebody on here recently mentioned that he recently had heart surgery and had severe complications post-op which led to his untimely demise. According to several news outlets, he suffered a fatal stroke shortly thereafter.

He was an outstanding actor and director that had many great titles to his name. He will indeed be sorely missed.

With that being said, my condolences, thoughts, and prayers go out to his family and friends at this very difficult time.


This is so sad, and so hard to believe. He was too young.




61...gone too soon. Prayers to the family. 😩 RIP Bill


I plan to watch the very much underrated film "Twister" tonight in his memory. I have it on DVD and bought it on a deal at my local entertainment store for just $5.00. Speaking of which, did you hear today that storm chasers in the "Tornado Alley" area here in the U.S. managed to form his initials ("BP") on their radar screens? Thought it was the coolest thing that I ever heard in quite some time!

With that being said, however, he was also great in "Apollo 13" "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." (ABC TV series) and "True Lies" too.

All in all, a class act and all around good guy that will be greatly missed! My thoughts and prayers are also with his friends and family as well! :(


I love Twister! I also have it on DVD, bought it a long time ago...from where I don't remember, but that doesn't matter.

I've seen Bill in several films but can't remember which one's...except Tombstone...another outstanding film of which I also have the DVD. I think I've seen True Lies, would have to watch again to remember it. Apollo 13...I fell asleep. 😩

But yeah, like you said, great guy, I always enjoyed him in his films. He will surely be missed. 😢


Whoops...forgot to add...No, I didn't hear about that, that's really, super neat! 😄👍👍

Think I'm going to watch Twister too. 😊


No problem! :)

Yeah Twister is a classic! I've loved it for years!


61 He was a young man. As I get older I can say that. RIP


What's scary is, he wasn't much older than me. It really makes you think.


Death is inevitable. It happens to everyone regardless of reason. Once it happens, you know you're gone and very rarely can you comeback. :/


Of course it is, no one is immortal. I'm just saying that when someone dies and is real close to your age, it gives you somewhat of a deeper "wake up call"...or so it does me anyway.


I think his best was One False Move. I love that movie. It's the first time I remember seeing Billy Bob Thornton. They were both outstanding in that. So sad to hear about this. He was way too young.


Frak this sucks rest in peace Hudson.Aliens is the best We will miss you and nuke imdb site from orbit!


I can't believe it. What the hell is going on?



Wow, sad to hear this. He was such a mainstay when I was a kid. It seemed like it was either him or Bill Pullman in everything.

I'll remember him mostly for "Big Love". I mean, I really disliked his character but he was very good in the role.


<< I'll remember him mostly for "Big Love". I mean, I really disliked his character but he was very good in the role. >>

BIG LOVE was a fantastic show...perfectly cast. Everyone embodied their characters so well, but I especially liked Chloe Sevigny.


Did you know Pullman and Paxton made a weird horror movie together named Brain Dead? It is underrated but worth a look.
