Your Names

I see all sorts of interesting names here. Share what they mean, how you ventured into creating the name, what inspired you, and if the name is what you had on IMDb.



My favourite game!! I'm waiting for the PS4 version of 'Dreamfall Chapters' to land. :)


I used the same on IMDb. Because G_d is always with me I'm never standing alone.


Wish I felt the same sense of security as you. My most deep-seated fear is loneliness.


Never alone is dif than loneliness. I feel loneliness 90% of the time, even though I've been married for close to 4 yrs. Another wrong decision, yet we'll abide by our vows. Before that, 18 yrs of nothing but work, raise child (youngest), work, raise child, work. It wasn't until my child was grown and on his own did I start to feel the loneliness. Friends..none to call on an everyday basis and children having lives of their own, and me having social-anxiety exacerbates the loneliness.

Wow, my apologies for TMI.




I needed that. 🤗


I chose my username b/c I'm in a w/c. Before that I was threewheelin b/c I used a three wheel scooter to get around but I had to shorten it. 176 is my home addy. Yes this was my username at IMDB.


lol. While I am still learning abbreviations, I substitute other brand names for abbreviations I am still trying to learn and what I came up with was.

" I chose my username b/c I'm in a White Castle."

But then I was like "Wait, that would make absolutely no sense" and then I had to think about it for a while. Then it came to me, wheelchair.

I was never great with context clues.


You got wheelchair? Because I honestly thought he meant toilet. WC - water closet. At least in the UK we use that for bathrooms. So when he said 'I chose my username because I'm in a toilet', I fucking laughed.


lol I'm guessing I have to explain better. lol


Port-o-potties are not like they are in the UK. They have wheels!

JK..I would have no idea. I live in the U.S.


Toilet on wheels, the next big thing!


Coming soon to your local Walmart!! lol


Great post, Babestation, as I was just about to tell you more about that! :)

As most of you should know by now, when I re-introduced myself here, I was a longtime user over on IMDb before they so arrogantly kicked us off the message boards on the evening of Feb. 19 without a viable replacement. Long story short, I had the exact same username over there and was thrilled to have retained it over here....especially on a website that looks so similar to what I now refer to as the "old" one.

In any case, the "j" in my username is the first initial of my first name, while the "mcd" is part of my last name. The number "2007" is simply that...just a number. It does not represent any birth year or special occasion in my life.

So nice to read the backstories of everyone else's usernames too. This is wonderful!


I personally thought that year was when you became a member of IMDb. It was the year I was bought my first car that nearly was saved from the auto insurance calling of being totaled. Thank Lord I was able to get it back last week! Phew.


I honestly can't remember the exact year that I started up my IMDb account, but if I had to guess, I'd say that it was probably around 2003 or so....but '07 really isn't that far off the mark. I can guarantee you, however, that I won't be back there now though.

Glad to know that your car was saved too. Hope you didn't hurt yourself either as sometimes those types of accidents can be really scary.


The gal ended up bumping into the front left side of my headlight and the impact caused my bumper to crack open and hang off. So what you ended up seeing was a bumper that was slanted off from the right headlight to the left headlight. I was lucky that nothing was structurally damaged. My car was an 07 and so the total loss threshold was like around $4000 because that is how much the car was devalued to. My insurance company and the body shop did work out something so I could pay out of pocket for anything over. Would have stunk though because I really could not afford buying a new car.


Wow sorry to hear that. Glad that they managed to work something out for you, as in most cases, if the car is salvageable, that's usually much better than having to buy a new car...especially while knowing that you'd have to start all over again with payments, provided that it was paid off to begin with of course. Being that the collision was also the woman's fault, I do hope that they made her pay for the damage.


No it was my fault because even though I made a legal right turn on red, they went by right of way and she did have a green light. What we both did was legal, just a very rare occurrence as accidents do not typically happen when people are driving legally.


Oh I see...well glad to know that you both were able to work something out and that nobody got seriously injured.


Yeah, that was about the only thing positive that came out of it. lol


I agree. It's fun to see how people came up with their names. Even the people saying there's no creativity behind it makes it all the more down to earth.


No I cannot accept this. Even if you hadn't consciously chosen 2007 for a particular reason, the fact that you chose it must have a reason somewhere in there at least subconsciously. Dig deeper god damn it I want to know! What does 2007 mean?! This is too intriguing! Try hypnosis.


Well it is the year of my Ford Escape, which is a 2007. LOL!


My name here is the first 3 letters of my first name plus my last name. Not very creative, but there it is! :)


Michael? Mick? Mikky? Michaela? Micandro?


That made me laugh! :)




The legend of vampirism originates from Vlad Tepes, an evil prince and ruler of Romania who shed lots of blood. Thus your name is fitting if you have an interest in vampires. You might be interested in reading the full story behind 'Dracula'.

I wasn't that active on the IMDb boards either but pleasured in reading lots of great material. I'm much more active in here because I'm trying to contribute in helping this place grow. Hope you'll stay to do the same!


I’m familiar with the story, but all these years I never made that connection with my user name :)

It wasn’t just Vlad Tepes (though I believe that was something Bram Stoker made up for his story). Belief in vampires was widely spread around these parts back them. People genuinely believed that a bad person = vampire. Archeologists in Bulgaria have been discovering “vampire” graves from the Middle Ages for years now. All the folklore surrounding them is really fascinating and some superstitions are preserved to this day, though they’ve mostly lost their original function (calling someone a vampire is a genuine insult, though). And they’ve been muddled a bit with the pop culture aspects of vampires.

Anyway, I’m definitely staying! So far people have been great, and I hope the site continues to grow.


" the IMDb boards, but I found them to be a treasure trove of interesting information and I'm very grateful for the existence of this site." When I needed to have something figured out, and absolutely am grateful for MovieChat.


My IMDb username was cmashieldscapting, which are my initials, my last name, the first part of the name of the cat I then had, Captain, named after the fox in the book and movie(s) of "The Secret Garden" (mostly the 1949 movie as Dean Stockwell is a favorite actor), and my previous cat, Ting, so named by her owner before me which I never changed.

When I got another cat, Skipper, I started using CoriSCapnSkip, but did not bother changing my IMDb name. Captain passed away over 6 years ago and I have another cat, Buster Kitten, (named after Buster Keaton obviously), but since I can't think of a good combination of Skipper and Buster think I will just stick with this one indefinitely. Captain had a first, middle, and last name, and Buster has a first and last name, but Skipper has always just been Skipper. I kinda wanted to name the next cat Little Buddy but Buster won out.

If we get signature lines on a board including our old posts, I guess I'll put my original name in my signature line so people will know the posts are from the same person. I feel happier at a board where the old posts are archived and so far this is the only one.


I would not even remember the combinations of having an account name like that. Most sites have it to where it is case sensitive and even though capitalization comes with every first letter, I would have trouble with signing in with this one. More power to you though!


You give your cats more than one name?


Some yes, some no.

Woody Da Puddy (as in, "I t'ot I saw a Puddy Tat,") common name = Woody
George Curious Shields, common name = George or Georgie
Ting. That was her whole name, common name Tingy and numerous nicknames!
Captain Dandelion. When I wrote to Ray Bradbury that Captain's second name was for "Dandelion Wine," he wrote back, "Best to Dandelion McCat!" so he became Captain Dandelion McCat, common name = Captain
Skipper. Only name Skipper.
Buster Kitten, common name = Buster


My cat's name is Loki, but I call him: Lokers, Chunkers, Grey Butt, Flufferkins, Little Man, Damn it Loki...



Cori, you sound like my daughter-in-law. She's given my Benny the name Monsieur Soft Paw. He's a rescued sweetheart (13 at the time), and the previous owner had had him declawed when extremely young.


Could we possibly have Off Topic forums for Gardening and Pets and post about our interests in those things there?


I know what you're saying but we can't have it all/


I am intoxicated with the nectar of sweet victory over IMDb. I want it all!


We have been victorious. We are lucky to have this site.


Mine's obvious. Even the number means nothing. Alas, I am not a creative person.


The number must mean something! I cannot accept. Find the meaning. Dig deep into your subconsciousness and find the answer. It might be something mind-blowing!
