MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Am I allowed to swear here?

Am I allowed to swear here?

Because I'm so f***ing happy this website exists. Mostly because the majority of the threads and messages from the original IMDb message boards were saved.

I love you to the people who did this! You made my day. I hope with time this place blossoms.


May I add I'm very proud of the majority of people on here so far? Seems we're proving we're capable of "self-modding" and not being too vulgar all of our own accord.


Yes we *can* , and I am glad there isn't a blanket censorship, I think there are ways to use swear words without being hateful, but I would hope people can stay civilized with it.
There is a difference between "this actor is so effing hot" and "eff you and eff your mom" etc.
I mean if we are watching movies that have swearing, it's silly to not be able to say those words. within reason.
I know this is probably a futile hope that people can act like grownups.


They're just fucking words people :P
Well...guess I won't last here, cause I can have quite a mouth. Not in a mean or derogatory way, my vocab just tends to be on the more colorful side of things...

But since it seems like folks don't favor that, I'll edit myself, no worries. I will say though, it is nice to be able to do it. I felt like a child having my hand slapped every time I saw a *bleep* on IMDb, like really? Anyways, words are interesting aren't they? I'll leave it on that, lol


Bleeping words on a board like Deadwood would also make me go "Really??" I mean how many little kids and puritans are watching that show anyway?
But for a kids movie, then yeah I will try to keep my language clean. (not that I watch many kids movies).
Context is everything.


Reminds me of the time a friend and I got a wild hair to go watch a kids movie in a theater. I hit my knee walking to our seats and I cursed. He whisper yelled at me in regards to there being children present. D'oh


That reminds me of when I saw "Bound" in a theater, it was a matinee and someone brought their 4 or 5 year old kid. During the famous lesbian sex scene, the kid was loudly talking asking "Mommy what are they doing"?
Come on lady, find a babysitter! I won't have sex in your Disney movie, so please keep your toddler out of my sex movie!


Haha! I have experienced that too. I feel discombobulated hearing kiddie noises while I am watching someone getting murdered on the big screen.


When i saw the first Hellraiser movie in a theater, there was someone that brought 2 little kids, not babies , but old enough to know what was happening. They were crying and screaming in all the violent scenes. I felt bad for them. I mean I loved horror movies as a little kid, but I watched them on late night TV, my parents never took me to rated R movies until I was a teenager.
I don't think the theater should have even sold him tickets for those kids. If he really wants his kids to see that movie then wait for it on video and let them watch it in your home.


Same here. Mom let us watch everything, but in the privacy of our home.


And we turned out fine! amirite?


Meemaw is disappointed I'm not the rocket scientist I was destined to be. :p


<< They're just fucking words people :P Well...guess I won't last here, cause I can have quite a mouth. Not in a mean or derogatory way, my vocab just tends to be on the more colorful side of things... >>

I don't think anyone's going to have a fit if you speak like's more (for me, anyway) words traditionally used by one group to demean another: n###er, fa##ot, c##t etc. Those are painful words for some people to see, and why cause pain?

You know, actually, those are very common troll words, now that I think of it. Maybe one way to keep trolls out would be just to block users who post them?? Not advocating that, but I bet it would work to an extent : )


Well, I'd never ever use hateful slurs like that. Personally, I make a distinction between them. And you're right, why cause the pain? I don't mind cuss words at all and they don't offend me (besides the slurs of course), but if I'm around people that don't like them, I'm just fine tailoring my speech to that.

It's all good, sometimes I just wish people weren't so prude about it. But, I understand that they do have a connotation and history to them and so will be smart about my use.


Yeah....reasonably intelligent people know when to reign it in in public : ) And personally, that's who I'd like to exchange thoughts and ideas with on a discussion board: reasonably intelligent people.

And, I didn't mean to imply you use slurs : )

But above, we have the exchange:

ALTAIRO: Am I allowed to swear here? fuck cunt motherfucker cocksucker nigger arsehole shit...Fuck yeah!

KSPKAP: I just joined, but due to your childish post, I'm calling it quits....all within five minutes.

I guess the bottom line is, SOME words (and we know what words) are just...unproductive when building and keeping a membership.


Definitely, you're quite right! Time and place for everything and all that.


I think they were just testing to see if there was a filter on those words. I've done that too on other boards (although not the n word) and then after I got my test results I edited them out ( anything that wasn't already automatically bleeped).
It doesn't mean they plan to use those words all the time, at least I hope not.


I don't think they've posted since : o


oh god....what have I done??







I have the same writing personality you have, and I'm censoring myself heavily in this site. I grew up in the gaming world where swearing becomes a language on its own. But I'm slapping myself on the wrist and behaving like a good little girl, as much as you are ^^


I think together, we can do it!



Does it count if I use asterisks between naughty letters?


I think that's a good work-around. I do it a lot. You get the words across but are TECHNICALLY not beyond the pale. (I also like the kind of funny, uptight look it has!)


I think swearing can be fun - but only as "seasoning" on top of already-existing humor. When you feel you have to say fuck every other word just to be entertaining, I start rolling my eyes. I don't think it's a report-worthy thing though unless you're harassing someone.


Nothing wrong with a few select "colorful metaphors" here and there.


shutthefuckup : )


I'm so sorry....I'm getting lightheaded for some reason!

Tourettes might be coming in....





I want to like the hell out of this comment.



Mmmmmmmm....interesting!!! I will have to research that : )


I've actually felt like swearing even less on here without the bad word filters than I did on IMDB that prevented you from even typing fuck with just the f and ALL the other letters starred out. Not sure if it's some kind of psychological effect or not.


It might be! When you are told that you can't do something you want to do that.
There's nothing holding us back here..... it is no longer a big deal.....


Precisely, when it's no longer "forbidden" the urge to do it just isn't there as much. It also just felt really juvenile to have to try and find ways around it if you were trying to use a cuss word on IMDb, but knowing that it's allowed here makes ya feel like you don't need it as much because there's no effort or pressure associated with it anymore, or whatever.

It's just really fucking nice to do it if need be :P whoops, there I go again....


I've read the replies to this thread and it seems to me that it would be great if the user could configure the filter settings.

It could be set with a default with the "normal" list of indecent words. Then the user could either disable the filter or select specific words that are censored.

For example, a lot of people are saying they don't mind curse words, like the F word, but take offense at insulting words, like the N word.

You could set your filter to "*" the N*****r word, but not Fuck.

Seems reasonable to me, if it could be done.


In the end, words are just words. Sticks & stones, folks. Ignore harsh language and move on. Making a fuss only adds more to the foul language, and gives it merit.
