MovieChat Forums > Politics > Blasphemy Laws are BACK!!!

Blasphemy Laws are BACK!!!

Teens receive FELONY charges for riding scooter over pride flag mural on the road.

Aren't we supposed to have separation of church and state in the US?


Are you referring to this?


Oh, look at that, so you are capable of doing your own research without begging and nagging others for sources or evidence.

Once again, your group is the protected class with special privileges but when everyone else uses the 1st-A to express themselves, they suffer the consequences for it.


>Oh, look at that, so you are capable of doing your own research without begging and nagging others for sources or evidence.

I often do google some of the brainrot claims morons like you make on here. I come up finding absolutely nothing. Why is it other people's responsibility to sleuth the absolute gibberish simpletons like you parrot?

What am I supposed to be discovering when you claim that Lady Gaga is Jewish? Or that Obama is gay?

>Once again, your group is the protected class with special privileges but when everyone else uses the 1st-A to express themselves, they suffer the consequences for it.

This was vandalism. It's a non-story.


You expose your hypocrisy and clowning.


How did I do that? Going to actually challenge any of my points?




Those teens deserve a medal.


If you squint hard enough, you can just about make out those alleged skid marks. Since there was no discernable damage to the "art", the only conclusion one can reach is that the arrests were for heresy against the Rainbow Mafia.

If this was a group of blue gums doing it, there would have been no charges levied at all. But whites will be made to worship at the altar of sexual degeneracy or suffer the consequences.


Ok the left brought back blasphemy laws now the right gets to bring back sodomy laws. Welp I guess it will just be the L-flag from now on.


Yes, good idea. In the same decade they banned school prayer, they threw out sodomy laws.


So what makes you any different than an Islamofascist?

Also mandatory school prayer is banned, which is quite reasonable. I thought you were against people being forced to nod along and play along with things they disagree with?


So what makes you any different than a child groomer?


Already answered that repeatedly. Support LGBT rights to exist has nothing to do with child grooming. You going to answer my questions, shithead?

So what makes you any different than an Islamofascist?

Also mandatory school prayer is banned, which is quite reasonable. I thought you were against people being forced to nod along and play along with things they disagree with?


Between school prayers and child grooming, I choose prayer.

Once again, what makes you any different than a child groomer?


>Between school prayers and child grooming, I choose prayer.

That's a false dichotomy. No problem with kids choosing to pray in schools. Why should non-christians be forced to pray?

>Once again, what makes you any different than a child groomer?

Already answered that repeatedly to you many time across many threads. Supporting LGBT rights to exist has nothing to do with child grooming. You going to answer my questions, shithead?

So what makes you any different than an Islamofascist?

Also mandatory school prayer is banned, which is quite reasonable. I thought you were against people being forced to nod along and play along with things they disagree with? You didn't answer this specifically.


Why should kids be indoctrinated and groomed?

What makes you any different than a child groomer and a pedo? ...

... The answer is, "no difference" since you admitted that Russia should open their doors to child grooming, child mutilation and child castration as long as the degenerate rainbow cult can have their extra privileges.


>Why should kids be indoctrinated and groomed?

I didn't say they should. Are you going to answer my question: Why should non-christians be forced to pray?

>What makes you any different than a child groomer and a pedo? ...

Already answered that repeatedly to you many time across many threads. Supporting LGBT rights to exist has nothing to do with child grooming. You going to answer my questions, shithead?

So what makes you any different than an Islamofascist?

Also mandatory school prayer is banned, which is quite reasonable. I thought you were against people being forced to nod along and play along with things they disagree with? You didn't answer this specifically.

>... The answer is, "no difference" since you admitted that Russia should open their doors to child grooming, child mutilation and child castration as long as the degenerate rainbow cult can have their extra privileges.

I made no such admission. This is an outright lie. I want Russia to repel their LGBT "propaganda/extremism" laws (amongst other laws). That has nothing to do with supporting pedophilia or mutilation or child grooming of any kind.

>as long as the degenerate rainbow cult can have their extra privileges.

What "extra privileges" have I said LGBT people should get?


And as I clearly stated, you cannot have it both ways. Our country is proof of that.

You either leave the door closed or you open it ...
For example: You oppose child grooming/indoctrination/mutilation/castration or you support it.


>And as I clearly stated, you cannot have it both ways. Our country is proof of that.

You claimed this. I'm under no obligation to just agree with you because you say it.

>You either leave the door closed or you open it ...
For example: You oppose child grooming/indoctrination/mutilation/castration or you support it.

No reason to believe this, and you didn't answer anything I asked so I will just spam it all over again.

>Why should kids be indoctrinated and groomed?

I didn't say they should. Are you going to answer my question: Why should non-christians be forced to pray?

>What makes you any different than a child groomer and a pedo? ...

Already answered that repeatedly to you many time across many threads. Supporting LGBT rights to exist has nothing to do with child grooming. You going to answer my questions, shithead?

So what makes you any different than an Islamofascist?

Also mandatory school prayer is banned, which is quite reasonable. I thought you were against people being forced to nod along and play along with things they disagree with? You didn't answer this specifically.

>... The answer is, "no difference" since you admitted that Russia should open their doors to child grooming, child mutilation and child castration as long as the degenerate rainbow cult can have their extra privileges.

I made no such admission. This is an outright lie. I want Russia to repel their LGBT "propaganda/extremism" laws (amongst other laws). That has nothing to do with supporting pedophilia or mutilation or child grooming of any kind.

>as long as the degenerate rainbow cult can have their extra privileges.

What "extra privileges" have I said LGBT people should get?


I will save you reading 10,000 replies from skavau and answer this question in a sentence. The groomers no longer deny they are going after the kids, skavs denies that is the plan.


As usual you present zero evidence for your claims.


It’s a joke. If you watch the news clips, there are cars driving through it during the footage, and there are car tire marks all over the place. It’s at an intersection busy enough to need a traffic light. What do you think is going to happen.


Why are they charging children with FELONIES for riding a scooter? They are being punished for "defacing" a religious symbol...


I was referring to this part of the article. Which is a lie, because there is a screen shot of them doing it, and nothing is marked off, and traffic is driving right through it in the footage.

“The area is clearly marked to keep traffic away as it was just re-painted to repair previous damage,” the statement said.

I didn’t see anything about a religious aspect, the article says they were charged with malicious mischief.

The real reason the city is pissed is that they allegedly spent 15,000 to have it done, and they already had to fix it to once. It it’s freaking road, this is inevitable whether it’s intentional or not. If you are going to spend that kind of money, do it in the side of a building.


The real reason the city is pissed is that they allegedly spent 15,000 to have it done, and they already had to fix it to once.

So children have to suffer because the people that run the city are fucking morons that spent 15 grand on degeneracy?

It's a goddamned road, don't paint it. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎


The company that owns the scooters involved in this incident have indicated that they will program the scooters to die when they're in the vicinity of the golden calf/rainbow flags.

For all the hand-wringing some do on this board about fascism, when fascism actually strikes it always seems to manifest itself in support of their positions. Funny that...


Not sure that being punished for vandalism is in itself evidence of fascism. Are you opposed to all laws surrounding vandalism now?

>The company that owns the scooters involved in this incident have indicated that they will program the scooters to die when they're in the vicinity of the golden calf/rainbow flags.

This is fucking stupid, but it's a private company.


When private companies are recruited to enforce the morality of the ruling class, to enforce government edicts, it's textbook fascism. Whether it's all the Big Tech giants censoring Covid facts or this company protecting the sacred symbols of sexual degeneracy, it's fascist. That these are private companies only puts the exclamation point on that fact.


>When private companies are recruited to enforce the morality of the ruling class, to enforce government edicts, it's textbook fascism.

Is there any evidence whatsoever they did this because the government told them to do so?

And I'm pretty convinced that you would use capital to enforce your social restrictions on people.


Yup, corporations enforcing the will of government to circumvent a countries laws and constitution is ABSOLUTELY fascism!

Too bad these idiot trolls have no idea what that word actually means...


Seems rational. Any intelligent being looses the will to live when forced to deal with the fascist woke brigade.


This trash started under the trannies serving their 3rd term.
