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Trump, reciting songs and praising cannibals, draws yawns and raises eyebrows

Former US president Donald Trump raised eyebrows among his no-nonsense New Jersey crowd at a rally Saturday when he recited a 1963 soul song in its entirety and referenced a fictional cannibal as "great."

In a meandering recitation of "The Snake" during a more than 90 minute speech, Trump used the Oscar Brown song to draw a parallel with "illegal immigration and how stupid it is what we're doing right now."

"We're letting people come into our country that we will only be trouble," said the Republican contender for president.

Trump has drawn on the song several times to highlight his anti-migrant stance, reportedly drawing objections from Brown's family.

"A tenderhearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake," Trump said, reciting -- but not singing -- the song to the crowd.

"But instead of saying thanks, the snake gave her a vicious bite."

Trump, who will face Democratic President Joe Biden in November's polls, is using increasingly violent rhetoric around the country's migrant crisis.

At the same time, the lengthy recitation of "The Snake" drew a subdued reaction from the crowd of thousands gathered on a beach in Wildwood on the New Jersey shore.

Some looked on quizzically, while a man behind Trump shown on a big screen yawned, and a trickle of spectators made for the exits.

"Did everybody enjoy it? Don't enjoy, you should be -- you should be scared!" he said awkwardly, speaking off-the-cuff following his recitation from a crib sheet he had in his jacket pocket.

Trump is a sad little clown. 🤡 He's losing support every day.


Or we can debunk the Book of Yahoo, and watch a report from the actual rally and see the MASSIVE turn out... in NEW JERSEY of all places!!!



Rumble? *snicker* That's not nearly the 40,000 people as Trump has claimed. But it doesn't matter. 100,000 people show up to a NASCAR race but that doesn't mean that most Americans love NASCAR. Far from it.

Your orange messiah is sitting in court right now being tried for 34 felonies with 3 more trials coming up. Most Americans will never vote for Trump because he's a liar and a criminal. This was proven when Trump was president and by his 4 indictments.

It's nice to see you get so excited when you think Trump is winning. It's adorable! Do you run around your trailer and give your cats high fives?


"That's not nearly the 40,000 people as Trump has claimed. But it doesn't matter. 100,000 people show up to a NASCAR race but that doesn't mean that most Americans love NASCAR. Far from it."

What about when nobody shows up to the NASCAR event?


I'm not going to answer you because after I sent you my dick pics and address that you asked for I still haven't received the pair of Trump's golden sneakers that you promised me.


I'm just going by your own logic here. If Trump holds a rally in a blue state and 100,000 people show up to see it that just means Only those 100,000 people like Trump and will vote for him. But when Biden shows up anywhere in the US and no one comes to see him it means that No One actually voted for him.


I'm not going to answer you because after I sent you my dick pics and address that you asked for I still haven't received the pair of Trump's golden sneakers that you promised me. If you throw in a Trump Bible I think I can forgive you.


Biden only got 54 million votes. Previous 4 elections before 2020 were high interest/turnout, each close to 129 million votes total. When dem went up, repub went down, when repub went up the dem went down, but the total numbers were still 129 million. Now Trump got 75 million votes in 2020 and they were real votes because none of the shenanigans/anomalies ever benefitted him. Which means Biden got 54 million real votes.
It adds up because Biden lost more counties than Hillary and had zero crowd size show up to his few events.


3.5 years after Trump lost spectacularly to Biden you Trump humpers haven't provided a single shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. In 2020 75 million people voted for Trump. Where are all those supporters now? Trump claimed that millions of his supporters would protest at his current criminal trial but only a few showed up. There were more rats there than you Trump suckers. The rest of your post is bullshit and Trump is not nearly as popular as his supporters claim.

Now send me my Trump's golden sneakers that you promised me!


" In 2020 75 million people voted for Trump. Where are all those supporters now? "

There were 100,000 at that rally in New Jersey yesterday.

And haha "I'm not going to answer you" went out the window pretty quick because you cannot stand seeing truth posted without trying to smear it up with democrat talking points.

2 million more votes than the previous elections could happen. But 27 million votes is retarded.


The only people who are claiming that there were 100,000 people attending the NJ rally is Trump, Fox News Entertainment and Trump's supporters. The real stats are that there was at most 15,000 people attended. But it gets worse. Watch this video that shows Trump supporters leaving the rally by the thousands while Trump was just babbling and drooling in the background.


Trump did nothing about immigration during his first two years when he had a Republican-majority in both Houses.

Trump told his supporters in Congress not to sign the strong bipartisan immigration bill.

"Republicans don't want to solve the problem, they want to campaign on it."


But “He put kids in cages!!”


Trump is not the UniPartY, stop conflating him to it.

That UniPartY Bill had nothing to do with shutting down the border, it's a cover to send more laundering money to Ukraine and Israel.


They are coping HARD in this thread lol.


When Trump won in 2016 the White House, House and Senate were controlled by the Republicans for 2 years. Why didn't Trump secure the border then? What are the Republicans doing now to secure the border?


So no reply defending the orange shitgibbon? Figures... You're not very bright. Just answer this. 100,000 people show up to a NASCAR race but that doesn't mean that most Americans love NASCAR. Why do you think the attendence at his rallies reflects how Americans vote?


Trump praised cannibals? 🙄 So he secretly wants to eat people? Do you know how crazy you sound?

Do you ever sit back and read one of your own posts?


He calls others a clown, and yet, all his posts and replies are clownish.


They never realize how crazy and unhinged they sound...look at the buzzwords they use as if it's normal, everyday speech.


From The Guardian:
Donald Trump on Saturday praised fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter “as a wonderful man” before segueing into comments disparaging people who have immigrated into the US without permission.
So he was just reporting facts. YOU sound more like the crazy one, saying things like "Should black people pay reparations for all the murders they've committed?" and (with high irony) "The covid-19 shot is totally safe, dont worry." Do YOU ever read over your own posts and try to think of how a normal person might view them?


Why? Because you lack a sense of humor.


No he was singing songs by Fine Young Cannibals...




He also like to express his fondness of Hannable Lecter
