MovieChat Forums > Politics > Serious question to the Wokists/Leftists

Serious question to the Wokists/Leftists

What do you want to see happen to the Trump Supporters/"Right-Wingers"/"Alt-Right" if you could choose...

A. Death by firing squad
B. Death by slow torture
C. Lifetime Hard Imprisonment
D. Sent to an isolated location away from woke society
E. Nothing, I'm just an internet tough guy

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


I'm an old school liberal like Bill Maher. I also have best friends who are Republicans and I don't wish any of the things you listed for them or any of my fellow Americans. The hate talk needs to stop or we will never heal as a nation.

Signed, million man


Great words and I pride myself on having liberal friends as well. They are all reasonable good people that I stand by as we are Americans. I enjoy learning from other people's point of view. If you spout out nonsense like defunding the police or opening our borders I'd want nothing to do with you.


Bill Maher is an out of touch moron... I would pick someone else, Dude.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Pick someone else for what? To use as an example? He fit the purpose just fine.

Signed, million man


I'll be watching the Civil War movie very closely knowing that is the Left's plan for us. They already used Jan 6th as a False Flag operation to hunt down their political enemies. Antifa could become the Brown Shirts any day now and I could be locked up just for being a straight white male.


It's a legitimate question. Hitler was able to rile up 90% of the German population into wanting to exterminating Jews.

We are seeing the same thing play out again in the US. But this time, it's feels very forced and inorganic. These people are deranged, and in 2028 when Trump goes away... I don't think the mindset will be receeding anytime soon.

They want retribution.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


I would propose that your paranoia that your life is genuinely in danger from the collective left (a group diaspora of people more often fighting within) is more reminiscent of the fear-mongering the nazis used in order to attain power. You are making up conspiracy theories that the entire left plan to massacre every single right-winger.


Nah, these people are completely unhinged and full of hate. It's not paranoia, its reality.

You don't live here, you have no real frame of reference. Although I'm sure there are some Remainers that would like to do unspeakable evil acts upon the Brexiters, right?

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


>You don't live here, you have no real frame of reference. Although I'm sure there are some Remainers that would like to do unspeakable evil acts upon the Brexiters, right?


There aren't.

The right-wing in the USA operate openly, freely and actively. They are on track currently to potentially win all three parts of government in November.


Still clueless to what a USA right-winger is.

98% of DC is part of the same UniPartY swamp.

Republicans getting all three means nothing unless and until that 98% is scrubbed and replaced with actual patriots and real conservatives that place the USA first.


No reason to believe the drivel that you say on this topic.


Exactly. The leftists are in complete denial of the Republican Civil War that MAGA is on track to win. With the legacyGOP gone... we can work on eradicating the Democrat Party once and for all.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


What do you mean by "eradicating the Democrat Party once and for all"? How would you achieve that?


The right-wing in the USA operate openly, freely and actively.

Yup, because in American politics is not Left Wing=Good, Right just doesn't work that here. The wokies truely believe that, but they are delusional.

They are on track currently to potentially win all three parts of government in November.

Thank God, and hopefully there will be enough maga seats to oust the rest of the legacy GOP. Fuck them.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


>Yup, because in American politics is not Left Wing=Good, Right just doesn't work that here. The wokies truely believe that, but they are delusional.

I didn't say it was, nor suggested it was. I said that there's no threat to people's lives for being publicly right-wing.


Every election I have to think to myself "will political violence come to my doorstep" depending on the results and that is not okay.


Zero evidence for any of these claims.


He doesn't need it... it's as plain as day.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


No, it's not.


Not from your side of the Thames, Brit-Boy. You actually need to live here.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


I have no reason to regard you as a reliable narrator regarding the USA.


Don't care Brit-Boy. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

You don't live here.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


And you don't live here, but that doesn't stop you from making ignorant observations.

I have no reason to trust you over the many other Americans who do not think like you do regarding some nazi-tier genocidal threat supposedly coming from the left.


roboincel and dems want right wingers to die.

posted 4 years ago by robocat893 (12818)
Maybe Trump will drop dead then America's biggest problem will have taken care of itself.


Many of them do. When I was at work on 1/6/ co-worker said out loud: "I hope they just kill all those trump supporting losers!"... I was appalled at that statement. I'd say 90% of all these leftists agree they would murder the right if they could get away with it. The majority of those people hide it very very well.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


roboincel and dems want right wingers to die.

posted 4 years ago by robocat893 (12818)
Maybe Trump will drop dead then America's biggest problem will have taken care of itself.

Wow! I can't imagine how uncomfortable it is for you to keep posting this 4 year old comment I posted. 4 years! I love living in your head rent free because it's roomy in here. I told you before that this comment I made was just a joke that I found on Yahoo Answers. Now show me where I wish for Trump, his supporters or any right winger to die. I'll wait...


posted 4 years ago by robocat893 (12818)
Maybe Trump will drop dead then America's biggest problem will have taken care of itself.


What do you want to see happen to the Biden Supporters/"Left-Wingers"/"Alt-left" if you could choose...

A. Death by firing squad
B. Death by slow torture
C. Lifetime Hard Imprisonment
D. Sent to an isolated location away from woke society
E. Nothing, I'm just an internet tough guy

I can't wait for your answer but I'm sure as usual you will just run away like the pussy you are. Just like last time I posted this comment to you.


posted 4 years ago by robocat893 (12818)
Maybe Trump will drop dead then America's biggest problem will have taken care of itself.

its not surprising that democrats want to murder Trump, they have been talking about killing him since 2016.

madonna wanted to blow up the white house
depp wanted to assassinate Trump
griffin wanted to sever Trumps head off
fonda wanted to go pedo on Barron

posted 4 years ago by robocat893 (12818)
Maybe Trump will drop dead then America's biggest problem will have taken care of itself.

Which song will you play when he dies?
posted 10 months ago by pepetoony (1510)

What if Donald Trump suddenly DROPPED DEAD?
posted 9 months ago by [deleted]

What if he died from an aneurysm within a month?
posted 8 months ago by [deleted]

R.I.P. Donald Trump
posted a year ago by Martoto (3905)

There are 2 ways to stop Trump from being president again.
posted a year ago by ghostrider38 (1034)
120 replies | jump to latest
There are 2 ways to stop Trump from being president again:

1st: jail/prison: Trump goes to prison for his crimes.

2nd: Death: Trump dies and we'll never have to see his old man face or hear his voice again.

Hope that the CIA whack him soon
posted a year ago by Hybrid66 (1494)
3 replies | jump to latest
Gbye orange fat toad...

Which song will you play when he dies?
posted 10 months ago by pepetoony (1510)

When Trump dies, it will ALL be OVER
posted 7 months ago by [deleted]


To be fair, some of these are just in poor taste. They aren't threats.
