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Joe Biden's Reducing White Population

"A Middle Eastern and North African category will be added to the choices available for questions about race and ethnicity. People descended from places such as Lebanon, Iran, Egypt and Syria had been encouraged to identify as white, but now will have the option of identifying themselves in the new group."

As a proud blue eyed gray haired white man who gets sunburns, I say "Thank you, President Biden!"


In related news, Henry Tarrio, Junior is still black.


Well yes, they are Semitic-Caucasian, and not Euro-Caucasian.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


This Egyptian is clearly black:


Yes, Egyptians can be black... what's your point?

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


We Wuz Kangz?


People from North Africa and the Middle East are racially diverse, therefore it was ignorant to group them all as white.


"they are Semitic-Caucasian"

My point is you're wrong. Again.


Finally! Congratulations to those who fought to be properly recognized in the U.S. census.


Yeah, now Mideastern Americans and North African Americans can get that sweet, sweet People of Color privilege. Now they have access to affirmative action. They have much to celebrate.


Are you still claiming to be Jewish? Or are you finally admitting that you're the hateful white supremacist neo-Nazi "Christian" nationalist that I suspected.


Don't you realize that your whole shtick of pretending you don't believe I'm Jewish isn't the least bit convincing when you already lie about everything else, from homosexuality being illegal in Florida to college sports being slavery? Stop lying. You're not good at it.

You just don't want to admit that Arab Americans actually benefit from being officially non-white. They were fighting to get in on the affirmative action gravy train. You don't have to be a "hateful white supremacist neo-Nazi Christian nationalist" to figure that out. Everyone knows it.


That's rich coming from someone who rants against Arabs and Islam ad nauseum.

You're a horrible liar. Lie better!


What the hell are you talking about? There is no conflict between seeing the "gravy train" and being anti-islam.


You can't have it both ways: hate rant against Arabs and Muslims advocating discrimination and genocide while saying they're treated exactly like white Christians.

Yes, that's a conflict!


Your spin is so heavy, that your post is... meaningless noise.

My point stands. There is no conflict between what he said.


It's not rich at all. What I have to say about Arabs and Islam in general is completely irrelevant to this. It's an issue that says more about the perverse incentives created by the new racial hierarchy in America than it does about Arab Americans. They're no worse when it comes to exploiting their skin color than all the other groups that benefit from affirmative action.

I'm not a horrible liar. I'm not a liar at all. You're just a bad copy-cat.


She's talking shit to distract from the actual topic to prevent any real discussion.

Lefties generally know that TRUTH or honest and serious discussion, are bad for them. They need people to be making decisions based on lies and stupidity, for them to have a chance of getting support for their stupid or insane positions or policies.


By 2050 whites will be a minority in the US. Right now whites 18 and younger are already a minority.


By 2050 there may not be a western world anymore. We'll be living in squalor with no power, no clean running water, toilets will no longer flush, etc... if any of us are actually still alive.

Dark times ahead.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


It's funny how the left says Great Replacement Theory is just a hoax or cementing hate while continuing to do the thing it calls them out on, unrelenting immigration of non-Whites. I guess this is what he elites have planned for America. They want to bring the Muslim population to like France before you start seeing beheadings and such. 10-15% is the goal then you'll start seeing the magic happen.


Majority of world is POC, therefore it makes sense the majority of immigrants are, too.

Agreed. Mass shootings by Christians are much more civilized.


Not just a minority, but a despised minority. Every corner of our nation that wields power is anti-white in its orientation: government, media, tech, education, corporations. All of them promote anti-whiteness.


"government, media, tech, education, corporations"

All headed and dominated by white men.


White men that went though indoctrination into the anti-white dogma of the left in college, and today support that agenda though diversity and inclusion programs.

Your denial of this is revealing. You have your way, and yet you are afraid to own it.


He's blissfully unaware of the "Long March Through The Institutions". Their immoral grift ends if they ever admit they're now in complete control.


Nah, she is just pretending to be unaware of it. Lefties lie. ALL THE TIME.


Good point. No matter how much you interact with these types, sometimes sheer exhaustion and naivete results in one assuming they argue from good faith positions. They don't. Ever.


"Does attending college actually make you more liberal and less religious? Research indicates that the answer is: not so much.

Political scientists M. Kent Jennings and Laura Stoker analyzed data from a survey that tracked the political attitudes of about 1,000 high school students through their college years and into middle age. Their research found that the tendency of college graduates to be more liberal reflects to a large extent the fact that more liberal students are more likely to go to college in the first place."

Interesting that you believe racism, white supremacy and ignorance are positive.


You're quite handy with the ad hominem charge. Does non sequitur ring a bell?


Nice pay wall.


Will it apply to suspects arrested and booked. This is guy is down as white. White as a criminal suspect but a person of color/Hispanic if shot by police.
