MovieChat Forums > Politics > Robert Kennedy Jr for president👍

RK Jr. was asked about politicians receiving money from lobby groups like AIPAC. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. He had fear in his eyes and said nothing for 6 seconds. Then, he changed the subject.

That interview video showed he's no different from any other politician who is willing to sell their soul to any lobbyist who gives them political donations.

Instead of speaking out against racism, international war crimes, apartheid, human rights violations, ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine, he and the other hypocrite Bernie Sanders are counting their donations given by lobbyists who support the atrocities.

Screw him!!!


Can you provide a link to back up your claim?


He's slightly better than Biden? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I'd vote RFK over the stale alternatives.


Why? What are your favorite RFKjr policies?


The biggest is to restore the middle class in this country and 2nd to free ourselves from the military industrial complex that has a stranglehold on the US economy.


How is he going to do those two things? What are his specific plans?


He talks about how previous administrations catered (& continues to cater under Biden) fiscal policies towards military contractors & wallstreet banks over middle class citizens in this country. Basically strip-mining middle-class America of it's equity.

He is going to start with making housing more affordable by creating a 3% government backed mortgage rate plan financed by tax free bonds to get more people into homes and also bring rental prices down. Reducing the amount of monthly income needed to make mortgage and rental payments which right now more than a third of most people's income is going towards. Thereby freeing up more income needed for other necessities like food, gas, healthcare, energy bills, etc.


You're confusing talk with ability. RFKjr is an idiot with no experience at all in government, and no real business experience. What is his experience you ask ... bullshitting juries with lies to get money for fraudulent clients.


So you're going to vote for con man Trump or geriatric Biden? No thanx👎


First, you know 100% RFKjr. cannot win.
Second, since RFKjr cannot win, any votes for him will be votes withheld from another candidate.
Third, Trump is a very dangerous criminal and traitor to the Constitution.
So the only choice is Biden, whatever state his brain is in.
This was not my choice, but the choice is obvious.


70% of the country doesn't want those two running again..

RFK jr is beating them both in polls with younger voters up to age 50 & independents. It's time for a new direction in this country.


I haven't wanted any of the people running for president in my lifetime, except for maybe Bernie Sanders, but now that he is rolling over for the extremist Muslims even Bernie is on my shit list.

Honestly, Joe may seem slow, but he has been one of the most competent Presidents in modern history. I have lots of criticisms for him, but if he could get a Democratic House and Senate we would have some changes and relief for the middle class.

It doesn't matter what people want ... sadly. Voting for third party even if there were someone who was absolutely perfect only serves to take votes away from whatever realistic candidate is closest to your third party throwaway. Stupid Americans just do not really get it.


Bought and paid for by Israel
He will not have my vote.


That's the one good thing about him.
Everything else he says is swamp-gas.


American politics hasn't experienced a memorable assassination in decades, thus I'm voting for RFK Jr. Dude hails from a storied tradition
