MovieChat Forums > Politics > THIS SHIT IS NO JOKE... OUR COUNTRY IS I...


#45 should have been impeached four times, all for different forms of abuse of power, violation of oath of office, sedition and obstruction of justice for failing to honor Congressional subpoenas.

1. Solicitation of foreign interference to aid reelection bid. Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine. To Zelenskyy: For support, announce public investigation of the Bidens, and promote conspiracy theory that Ukraine (not Russia) was responsible for 2016 election interference of hacking DNC. Audio recording confirmed.

2. Weakening the USPS to slow down vote-by-mail tally to coincide with his election night tactic promoting confusion and disillusionment over legitimacy of the process. ("Everything stopped") Discharge of Megan Brennan, and replacement as Postmaster General with unqualified loyalist, Louis DeJoy, who also had conflicts of interest.

3. Solicitation of crime to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to throw out electoral outcome, find him 11,000 additional votes and declare him the winner. Audio recording confirmed.

4. Incitement of riot and insurrection at U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021 to prevent official certification, administered by Trump's own running mate ("Hang Mike Pence!"), of the 2020 election which would officially award control of the Executive Branch to the legitimate victor, Joseph R. Biden, of Delaware, as the 46th President of the United States. Capitol was breached, endangering the lives of elected representatives and first responders. Video recording confirmed. 4 fatalities, including a shooting death. One police officer beaten severely. Several other Capitol Police committed suicide in the weeks and months to follow. Trump aide, Cassidy Hutchison, testified under oath that Trump wanted to attend his coup attempt in person ignoring safety concerns, and grabbed the steeling wheel from his Secret Service driver.

DJT is as corrupt as they come, doesn't care about our established form of government, the rule of law, or public service, and has no business anywhere near the halls of power... or really, anywhere, outside of a prison cell.

He's even committed more crimes and acts of sedition since leaving office, including one that endangered national security, and is awaiting first criminal trial (of a total of 91 state-level and federal felony charges) on March 4th, 2024. He has essentially crafted his subsequent campaign for reelection based on being a persecuted criminal with dictatorial pursuits. This way, if elected he will be seen as being completely above-the-law.

This shit is no joke. Pay attention, and VOTE to reelect the sitting President, or whomever receives the Democratic Party nomination.


Are you a troll? Seriously I get not liking Trump but it's all you talk about. Also, you're defending Biden of all people who is one of the worst presidents that we have ever had. I'm not Democrat bashing here. Biden is the worst. Bill Clinton was a democrat that was successful. I didn't agree with everything he did or stood for, but we had a good economy under him and that's really all anyone can ask for from either party. In my lifetime (48 years) there have only been three and a half presidents who presided over a good economy: Regan, Clinton, Trump (who was a disaster in his final year- we did however get three years of a good economy with him) and W Bush (Bush inherited a great economy from Clinton and proceeded to drive it into the ground a mere two years later.) Biden on the other hand has sucked from the get-go. No one has money and everyone is struggling paying for everything. How can you still defend him?! I get it you're a democrat, but at least pick a functional and sane Democrat to support and defend...


I honestly do not care anymore about the safety of this country. It is a country full of contradictions and unfairness. If I am gonna be miserable, it may as well be here just as well as I would be miserable any other country. To me, there is not much difference at this point.


Go live in a 3rd world country for a few years (South America has them, the middle east has them) and then get back to me on how terrible this country (that millions of migrants from 3rd world countries are flooding into every day) is... Of course you won't, but you'll still complain about how bad this country is...


People always compare the USA to third world countries. Why not compare this country to other counties on the same level as the USA? Don't say that you cannot because the USA is the only first world country. The USA shouldn't even be in the category of a first world country anymore.

Simply put, The value of the USD is depeciating in an alarming rate. Just look at inflation.
The national debt is in the trillions. The USA doesn't pay its debts, yet creditors harass Americans about paying off their debt. Credit for the individual American is so important. It decides where you live, what you drive, where your children get their education, what you wear, and sometimes whether you get a job or not. Yet the national debt is in the trillions?!

This is the type of contradictions that I was talking about earlier. The emphasis on the individual having good credit but the Federal government getting away with having bad credit.

It takes more USD to purchase products and services now.

Prices for goods and services here in the USA are damn near the same as you would see in a third world country when you compare the cost of living there for those people to the cost of living for an American citizen.


Yes, things are messed up here, but it's the same in almost all of the other first world countries. All the politicians are spending beyond their (and our) means. I have family all throughout Europe- it's the same $h!t there. Rich elites are running everything and spending like there's no tomorrow. They don't care about you- they don't care about me. They live like kings in their walled palaces, with their armed guards, they break the law, they rob people of their lively hood, they steal, they cheat and do all sorts of other vile cr@p, but there is nothing that you, nor I can do about it. Yes, the price of everything is higher than it should be, but we are nowhere near 3rd world levels of desperation... at least not at this point. Also, if you are looking for Utopia- you aren't going to find it on this planet.

All you can do is work hard, save as much money as you can and hope and pray that you do alright. It's a downer, but that's life. Always look for the good because as you get older more and more of it turns to $h!t.


Lol you went from " the USA is awesome! Ra-ra!" to "yeah it sucks, just deal with it because other countries like the US are the same. All you can do is blah blah and blah."

I so don't care that the US is in danger. You haven't changed my mind about that.


I never said that it sucked here. I also never said that it was perfect here. Nothing is going to be prefect anywhere- ever. Nowhere in my statement did I say that. I rightfully criticized the elites (there are few instances in any country anywhere on the planet that people didn't or don't criticize them).

You obviously read what you wanted to read even though it wasn't there.


The US Dollar is the strongest currency in the world still and not likely to be challenged anytime soon. The debt is really not a problem - it is manageable, and the way the world economic system works is that the whole world shares in our debt through inflation. Don't worry about it, and don't fear-monger based on what you don't know about.


Did you say that the debt is manageable? All they do is raise the debt ceiling and print more money. There's nothing to back it up. Why should the whole world share our debt? What a bunch of nonsense.


> What a bunch of nonsense.

All the people talking about the debt all like to sound like they know what they are talking about, but really they are suckers for the media scare scare tactics.
We have this debt because starting with Reagan they cut taxes on the rich, and since that time the money that would have gone to the government has been stockpiled by the elites leading to the massive inequality we have today.

Not only that, the money they stockpiled they invested in stock, lands, and overseas. This is the problem. The rich elites don't give a damn about the state of our country they just care about themselves.

We can play this debt game forever, it is not the problem, the problem is the fascism that goes along with a plutocratic elite owning everything and controlling the media and the government.

If you want to fear-monger about something that is the problem.

But for you, you are too clueless to understand the dynamics of the US economy. You also missed admitting you were wrong about the dollar collapsing, by 180 degrees - the US dollar is the strongest currency, and the US economy is the strongest economy in the world.

That could change if the plutocrats continue to sell out of the country and fail to invest here - but they are Republicans/Conservative for the most part, and their ignorant followers just don't know any better and will not listen or learn. Anything that goes against what Trump says, they just call a bunch of nonsense, even though all Trump's experts have said he is a F'n moron.


I'm not fear mongering. AnagramYYZ is fear mongering. I couldn't care less if the USA falls or not cuz it is bullshit nation full of contradictions.

You're the one that got all upset because I told AnagramYYZ that I couldn't care less about the USA.

He's fear mongering and I'm like indifferent to the entire issue. Understand? Cuz I don't understand why you got upset that I couldn't care less if the USA is in danger. I already said that I might as well be miserable here. So why did you even counter my position in the first place?


You make a lot of good points, but it isn't just the Republicans that are the problem. It's the Democrats too. they don't care about you either. They are just as evil. I don't always agree with you, but you seem like an intelligent person. So, I find it odd that you are just pointing to one side and blaming them. It's both sides that are the problem. Also, their complete failure to work together is a problem. They are like overgrown babies crying on Twitter, crying on CNN, crying on Fox, crying on The View. They (both parties) really suck. Seriously, I should not be a problem to get together make some decisions that are for the greater good instead of lining their pockets. All of them are losers. they are just putrid losers.


That is true, but the Democrats are more democratic - at the local level especially.

The push comes from the Right, but you are correct, both sides are affected by it, and as I pointed out, the higher you go from local, to the state, to federal, and even to global, money and dirty tricks play a bigger role.

If you look at history and look up Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, and others, Nixon's Plumbers for example, they are all bigshots on the Right with access to a lot of money and very wealthy donors.

Democrats are more forced to play this game. You can see that play out currently with the Republican banishment of Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney and other Republicans.

So you should read or think more deeply and realize it is assymetrical, and it is outside the actual system, but it all started with Reagan's tax cuts for the very rich and as those tax cuts have gotten bigger American's incomes have gotten worse, and the plutocratic stranglehold over our politics and media have gotten worse. Also, American infrastructure has been degraded for decades beause these now global plutocrats feel it is a waste to attach to America - they are, or they feel they have to play the global game. This is why we have uncontrolled immigration - which yesterday, AGAIN, the Republicans voted down.

I can see you are trying to sound non-partisan, but you are also never going to accept this reality - I'll go ahead and predict you will ignore all I have written ( i.e. have no reasoned rebuttal to what I have said ) and come back at me with either insults, or repeating virtually the same thing you just said here?

Am I correct?


I'm not going to insult you on a message board. There is no point in that. However, I am going to say that you completely blame one side for all of the problems that we have in this country. You said that I have no rebuttal to what you have to say... in a way that is true because no matter what I say you will have the same argument that you are firmly entrenched with. Ie it's all the republican's fault. So, debate with you or even conversation with you about this is pretty pointless. It will go on and on and on and on (I don't even know why I joined this thread in the first place it must have been really late). I get headaches from reading the threads on the Trump and Biden boards. So, you can be content that you "beat me" and be happy with yourself today.


> I am going to say that you completely blame one side for all of the problems that we have in this country.

No, I did not. You either did not read what I wrote, or you did not comprehend it.

But, that is a spion I did not mention, just make up what you want to think the other person wrote and argue against that - the straw man attack.


Your entire post is a joke.


Cmon man, this shit is no joke. The walls are closing in!


Stop being a pinhead


Better vote Trump then. Not just the USA, but the world world was safer when he was in charge.


It most certainly was.
