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Well-researched and written article on the Israeli ongoing genocide of the Palestinians


This feels incredibly one-sided and seems to be that this man is a Hamas apologist.


Well researched and written? Not my take. Seemed like a propaganda piece.

"Israel’s attempt to use the October 7 Hamas assault – attacking military targets, which constitutes legitimate resistance to occupation under international law, but also civilians, which is an odious crime – as a pretext for ethnic cleansing by inflicting genocidal atrocities on the Palestinians in Gaza and beyond."

Firstly, to call it just 'an assault', instead of a terror attack, is wrong.
Secondly, Hamas targetted much more than 'military targets', they targetted women and children and dragged them from their homes.
Thirdly, nobody thinks of what Hamas did as 'legitimate resistance' because it's not like Israel shooting missiles into their neighborhoods last month.


Their politeness hasn't gotten them freedom from those that stole their land. I don't really care what your opinion is- you're a jew excuser.


samoanjoes (44264) 35 minutes ago - This feels incredibly one-sided

[–] Ticketsplease (3601) 4 minutes ago - Seemed like a propaganda piece.

So will any of the Israel fans concede that that Israel have done any wrong doing ever?
on a scale of 1 to 10
1 being "Saintly neighbours who donate food to charities and grants to refurbish buldings"
10 being "genocidal warmongers who have kept palestinaians under the thumb of oppression for decades"

what number are Israel?

It continoues to amaze me hoe peoples think their personal feelings and loyaties can affexct reality.
its like people dont even try to take an unbioased view.

"I'm on X's side so x did no wrong"

Its like the Johnny Depp / Amber heard thing
regardless of what the truth is
Johhnny enjoyed almost universal support mainly because people like him more , rather than any actual evidence , or the facts in general.
(yes I know it seemed to turn out he was the good guy , and i'm glad , its just an example )

Anyone heard of "Amnesty International" the biggest most respected worldwide peace organisation ?
Guess what their opinion of Israel's activities is.


Ongoing genocide?! All because 5,000 Palestinians have been killed so far? Don't be absurd. It wasn't genocide when the Allies killed 300,000-600,000 civilians carpet bombing German cities during World War II and what Israel is doing clearly isn't genocide either.


So you think the Israelis have only killed that number eh?


>>So you think the Israelis have only killed that number<<

Ohhh they've killed a lot more than this thanks to Hamas. You know, this is like the 5th war Hamas has started against Israel since 2006 or so... Hamas has killed plenty of people too...

The problem is, Hamas can only do sneak attacks and then launch rockets into Israel and use human shields for defense. They can't actually face the IDF mano a mano, so they have to be sneaky about it.

A few days ago another poster in here (I cant remember who it was) said that Israel's response to these attacks doesn't seem to be working, they just keep getting hit by one attack after another. In other words, they just create more people that are willing to die for the cause (aka terrorist) and kill as many Israelis as possible a long the way. But the truth is, it goes both ways, what the Pals are doing isn't working either, they just keep getting hit by aerial bombardments and whatnot, and creating more pissed off IDF soldiers, resulting in thousands killed.

You would think the Pals would eventually figure out that this isn't working and the death rates are quite disproportionate. But the trick is, Hamas doesn't care how many Pals die, they just want to kill as many jews as they can. They actually teach kids from the time they're little that killing yourself for the cause is the highest honor.

So again, if a few thousand Pals die after a terror attack, it's seen as "dying for the cause" and they go straight to paradise/heaven. This is without a doubt, the worst case of human sacrifice in world history. But how do we stop it? It seems that neither side is willing to work out peace deals, although I do think the Israeli's have been a lot more willing to do this than the Pals, but it's been tried numerous times and never works.



I was referring to the number of Palestinians killed in the current round of violence.


Straight from Darth Putin's propaganda organ, Comrade Sparky!


Some Israeli soldiers on duty said they supported all Palestinians being removed which is not an uncommon goal. I'm assuming that was the plan for the last 75 years. To make life unbearable so Palestinians would leave and other Muslim countries would give them land. That didn't happen since Palestinians fought to stay on their land so the Israeli government plan has been to slowly ethnic cleanse and commit genocide.


I'm going to lay it all out here for you to show me where I went wrong in our discussion on Australia. Here is my position on the issue:

You accused me of repeatedly lying about what you said about Jews going to Australia. This implies that I lied a first time about what you said. This is clearly referring to when I accused you of calling for the "ethnic cleansing" of Israeli Jews. But when you explained why I was wrong about that I responded by stating that I was merely miskaken about the meaning of the term "ethnic cleansing" and you acknowledged that I admitted my mistake. You acknowledged at the time that I didn't lie. So you knew that I never lied the first time. Your claim also implies that I lied a second time. That's clearly referring to when I pointed out yesterday that you suggested that the millions of Jews in Israel should all just get up and leave to go to Australia. That's exactly what you did. You haven't even tried explaining here how that's a wrong description of what you said.

Go ahead and show me where I'm wrong here. It should be easy!


omg can you not continue your "discussion on Australia" in whatever thread it was in instead of spamming all other conversations with it ?


If RT posted this then it's obvious there is a goal here, to break down the West even if it has to show some truth to the story. They're only doing this to throw dissent into chaos, not because they actually give a fuck about the Palies. If Russia was fighting Palies then they'd be doing what Israel is doing.
