MovieChat Forums > Politics > Did Israel ever help us during 9/11?

Did Israel ever help us during 9/11?

I see no mention of it. Just wondering why we're helping them if they never did the same for us? You even got US troops on the ground there now along with ammo deliveries. I mean they're claiming it's their 9/11 moment so, yeah.


Israel has provided us with countless inteligence surely stopping 100s of potenial terror attacks. we have a duty to them, they are surrounded by an enemy that has made it, it's only goal to destroy and invade. but that's the meaning of the caliphate.

After the events of the last 5 days i'd be very much in favor of a mccarthy like purge of anyone who supports palestine, i'd take away their citizenship and deport them, the constituction would no longer be relevant. even if their name was mike smith from idaho.


So you are outright openly pro-fascist.


McCarthy ended up being right. We should take that into account this time.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


So you are outright openly pro-fascist.


Yassar Arafat donated more blood to the 911 relief than all of Israel...

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


In the Gulf War the president did not want the Israelis to get involved because the president felt it would strain the coalition which had among it Arab countries.


Israel has cured some cancers and came out with impressive medical advancements.


Israel has a largest intelligence network in the middle east and they share lots of info with the US. I guess their agents in Gaza weren't let in on Holocaust 2.
