MovieChat Forums > Politics > What are the top reasons Democrats had t...

What are the top reasons Democrats had to rig 2020 election? (And some 2022 races)

- Endorsing trans lunacy where people want kids to mutilate their own bodies just cause it's "trendy" and they say there are 9000 genders.

- Endorsing Islam in general, and being pro mass-immigration from horrible insane countries where they have violence towards women and minorities

- Joe just being a pathetic old geezer (although that's more of a personal thing than policy thing, it still reflects the fact of having such awful beliefs and ideas, cause no new interesting people are coming through so they had to nominate an old shriv)

They couldn't possibly, possibly win a national election without fraud. In a real election they get absolutely trounced, they totally suck ass and are just awful. If we ever find out what the "real" numbers from 2020 are I think we'll be shocked, but I dont see anyone confessing or telling the truth any time soon.

Did i miss anything?


Yeah, you missed just about everything, namely reality. "No, fuckin' way, bro!" isn't an arguement.



The party does it, and has been doing it in some states for over 25 years. (California), because the Democrat party leadership, and all career politicians only care about one thing and one thing only, maintaining and increasing their political power.

Democrats just exploit their flavor of the week “issue” because they know their braindead lemming voters will believe whatever they’re told.

Things like:
- Genital mutilation of children good
- killing children good
- stopping child trafficking bad
- nuclear war is good
- men can have babies
- record inflation good

That’s your 2024 Democrat platform


Their platform proves they hate children. If they can't abort them they'll sterilize them.


"they'll sterilize them"...

...and groom them.


It’s truly bizarre how obsessed they've become with destroying children.


and you let these monsters hoodwink you at every opportunity !
fixed the election ,
ownz the courts & judges,
ownz hollywood to make gay lefty movies ...
doesent persecute muslims ....

cant your constitution help you in some way?
is this what the guns are for?


and you let these monsters hoodwink you at every opportunity
is this what the guns are for?

Be patient and stop contemptuously calling out for violence.

There is a reason why there are currently 50K+ sealed indictments for the DS.


"If we ever find out what the "real" numbers from 2020 are I think we'll be shocked"

The DoD-SF platform has those "real" numbers.😁


There are maps that were leaked showing Trump ahead in 47 states including CA before the late night “vote counting” kicked in.

I can tell you I drove all over California in the year before the 2020 election. Biden signs and rallies were nonexistent. I saw 2 Biden signs. Trump signs were everywhere. There were rallies on intersection corners, people honking, people selling tons of Trump gear. This never happened for anyone before Trump.

CA was redistricted in 2000. In 2012 they legalized vote harvesting. 7/7 congressional seats in OC went from R to D. In 1 year. That is simply not possible without election rigging. CA has been rigged since 2000. We all know it.


Doing everything their power to keep the deep state in power.

Their liberal white guilt cripples them so much and that's a big reason why they are all in on the great replacement because they think it will keep them in power permanently.


They didn't have any reason to rig an election. They won easily.


"They didn't have any reason to rig an election."

How about more...

• Power
• Control


Could this board get any lower? Moderators?


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.


"If we ever find out what the "real" numbers from 2020 are I think we'll be shocked, but I dont see anyone confessing or telling the truth any time soon."

You can get ballpark numbers by looking at the three previous presidential elections before 2020. The numbers fluctuate pretty regularly.
2008, 69.5 mil to 60 mil.
2012 66mil to 61 mil.
2016 63 mil to 66 mil.
Always around 129 million, so if Trump received 74 million then Biden was able to pull out 55 million real votes. Which would make sense for a candidate who was unpopular and didn't campaign.
