MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden said he will ban gas stoves and di...

Biden said he will ban gas stoves and dishwashers now.

In addition to water heaters, over the last several months, the DOE has unveiled new standards for a wide variety of other appliances including gas stoves, clothes washers, refrigerators and air conditioners. The agency's comment period on a separate dishwasher regulatory proposal concluded Tuesday.

The Major Contributors are using the Democrat Crooked Trade deals to avoid the EPA in China and avoid our tax system by banking offshore.

And you are right, The Democrats are not going to stop getting the 18% tax on oil or the $.018 a gallon at the pump, while those Oil companies get 4 to 7 %.

Stupid is as stupid does.


Everything that the Democrats want to limit and/or take away applies only to those at the bottom while eliminating all middle class.

Those in power and control will continue using and profiting.

Their Socialist/Marxist agenda is the ultimate form of hypocrisy.

Biden Regime Proposes Ban on Sale of Portable Gas Generators, Raising Concerns for Power Outage Reliance:

Following a series of policy initiatives targeting everyday appliances such as gas stoves, air conditioners, water heaters, and dishwashers, the Biden regime now sets its sights on portable gas generators in the name of climate change.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has proposed a policy that, if implemented, would pull nearly all existing portable gas generators off the market.


All they are doing is making China richer. That's what happens when our president is in the pocket of China.


As the Left is more and more suffocating to freedom and rule of law, the world is turning away from "progressivism". I noticed this trend in the last six months or so. Peak madness, looking down the other side.


No, surely not. They've told us in absolute terms that they are not coming for our gas appliances. Could they have lied to our faces?

Guess they're not coming for our guns either. There's only been a 500% increase in revoked FFL's under Biden.

They're fascists and liars.


And you are a liar as well.


I guess reality is too much for you? must be another lost lefty drug addict.


Did Trump get that wall built like he promised? Remember when Trump lied about Obama's birth certificate? Just use the excuses you use to excuse Trump's lies to the Democrats and you should be fine.


Trump built 984 miles of new wall and secured our border. biden opened the border to anyone...then Kamalatoe said 'dont come' but some already did.


It wasn't finished and he promised it would be. He also lied about Obama's birth certificate. Don't cover for him you scumbag. I don't cover for Biden. Be honest you jerk.


he could have finished it if he wasnt constantly fighting democrats that were trying to illegally remove him from office. if the dems had just tried to work with Trump, our Country would have been a 100 times better by now.


The wall fell down.

Signed, million man.


Letters to the Editor: Kamala Harris’ ‘Do not come’ comment was callous and very Trump-like


Deflection to TDS....par for the course.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Meh I figured I would play your game.


So he’s banning wives. I guess it was inevitable.


The left already can't identify a real woman...

What did you expect?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


You are witnessing creeping fascism.

President Reagan warned us of this...

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.
