MovieChat Forums > Politics > Rank your five best Presidents of all ti...

Rank your five best Presidents of all time

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. Jefferson
4. Eisenhower
5. Truman


washington because he knew when to leave
Lincoln because he loved all people
jefferson because he was a good writer
Eisenhower because he knew we needed cross country roads
Obama because he had a good heart


O'bama drone strike murdered children, and set back race relations 60 years. A good heart? Seriously?

Lincoln ripped a nation in half on purpose. I highly suggest watching Razorfist's video about the subject.

Great minds discuss ideas.
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Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


1. Obama
2. Kennedy
3. Clinton
4. Carter
5. Lincoln


Well here are the rankings of the presidents in my lifetime:

01) Reagan
02) Trump
03) Bush II
04) Bush I
05) Clinton
06) Obama
07) Biden


Bush 2


1. Washington - he fought like a warrior poet and won our freedom.
2. Lincoln - you know
3. Jefferson - founding father, helped write the Declaration of Independence, fought for the abolition of slavery
4. Theodore Roosevelt - One of the Republican greats, a beast, had a Sasquatch encounter, helped establish the national park system.
5. Reagan - spent a lifetime fighting against the evil that is authoritarian communism, the same cancer that now saturates the Democrat party/media and their lemming followers in media and entertainment. Played a pivotal role in bringing down the Berlin Wall. Is the modern day example of what a president should be. America First. Freedom first. Individual liberty first.

It’s too soon to rank anyone objectively from the last 25 years.


1. Washington
2. Jefferson
3. Lincoln
4. Trump
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. Eisenhower


Reagan (ended Cold War)
Truman (ended WW2)
Calvin Coolidge

Trump would be up there if he hadn't been so weak he allowed Dems to steal the election from him


Wow, almost no one really knows anything about US presidents and their true places in history...

Shit Presidents that should never be in a top 30, let alone a top 5... (In this thread)

Abraham Lincoln
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton
Barrack O'Bama

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.
