MovieChat Forums > Politics > Brandon loves the Queen! God save the Q...

Brandon loves the Queen! God save the Queen, man.

What a tool.


The tool is only saying what they wrote for him to say. Although only a loon would think they are in England. And she isn't the Queen to an American.


God save the Queen, man.


Joe Biden left Americans scratching their heads with an off-the-cuff remark royally unusual for a US President - god saves the queen, man! No one could immediately tell what he meant, which queen he was referring to, and why he threw in what sounded like the traditional patriotic British cry.


It sounds like just an expression he uses. It's just a G-rated way to say "God help us all":

"Biden has the extremely odd habit of ending his remarks with cryptic phrases whose significance is mostly legible only to him. "God save the queen" is also what he said right after certifying Trump's election in 2017. He seems to use it to mean something like, "God help us all." - Yoni Applebaum


>It sounds like just an expression he uses. It's just a G-rated way to say "God help us all":

With Biden in charge, you need all the help you can get.


Biden is doing fine. You watch too much Fox.


That's just what he says every time he soils himself.


Haha, prob so. Its his code word for a new diaper.


He probably knows that God Save the Queen is one of the most well known Sex Pistols songs. I think it might have been a sly and very smart signal to the more purist members of the left that he hasn't forgotten them.


I heard that Joe's favorite movie is Sid and Nancy and does a great impression of exterminate.


God save Americans 🙏 rest in peace.
