MovieChat Forums > Politics > What do you think about US military spen...

What do you think about US military spending?



It's significantly greater (12% t0 0.48%) than the budget allocated to NASA, but that might change if Musk joins the Twitter war. Boring, I know.


It is a huge waste of money.


China has more ships than we do.


We have more planes. Ships can suck a dick.


who has more seamen?


The Chinese would lose any military conflict. US would have losses too but not nearly as many and it would be over quick. Neither country has an appetite for war whith each other.


More like for every American death will be like 20 inexperienced indoctrinated brain dead Chinese cannon fodder. Then again, they might fight harder than Americans given the close ties to Taiwan and the unification aspect for nationalism. Americans could lose this if it's a war they're not really interested in. Then again, Taiwan is the epicenter of chip manufacturing so you would have to fight else no PS5 or new GPU/CPU's etc.


More ships doesn't necessarily mean more powerful. US ships are larger and more advanced. The carrier fleet alone blows Chinas Navy out of the water.

We could cut our defense budget in half and would still outspend Russia and China combined. It's a damn shame we can't spend more of that money here at home.


More larger and more advanced doesn't necessarily mean better. China is like Russia where mass saturation will overcome any defense system.


Negative. We have twice the tonage, more capable ships and thus, rule the seas.


What about federal spending? That's far worse than what the military spends on. You would be shocked at how much money the feds waste on pointless projects that have no purpose or reason to be worked on. Not to mention our broken welfare system draining the treasury at an alarming rate.


Oh honey, military IS federal spending! About 37% of it! And the Pentagon's share is untouchable! No pointless projects there, right? We are a warrior nation!
