MovieChat Forums > Politics > How the Biden Family Crime Syndicate use...

How the Biden Family Crime Syndicate used shell companies to enrich themselves

Members of the Biden family and their business associates raked in millions of dollars from foreign entities during and after Joe Biden’s time as vice president, using nearly two dozen companies and taking advantage of a vast network of sketchy business associates.

The now-first family, their associates, and the companies took in at least $10 million just from firms run by Chinese and Romanian nationals through various deals struck by first son Hunter Biden, according to records subpoenaed from four separate banks by the Republican-led House Oversight Committee.

House Oversight reveals the nine Biden family members that received wire transfers from foreign nationals via shell companies.

1. Hunter Biden
2. James Biden
3. Sara Biden
4. Hallie Biden
5. Kathleen Biden
6. Melissa Biden
7. Niece/nephew
8. Niece/nephew
9. Grandchild
10. Joe Biden


A treasure trove of corporate documents, emails, text messages, photographs, and voice recordings, spanning a decade, the laptop provided the first evidence that President Joe Biden was involved in his son's ventures in China, Ukraine, and beyond, despite his repeated denials.

I guess that explains how Corn Pop made $17m in one year.




So to sum up, there is nothing linking the President to any of these companies or financial transactions, nor is there any evidence that any of this is related to his actions as VP, save for familial ties?

Well that sounds like a giant nothing burger!


Let’s not be naïve nor underscore this moment in time. We are witnessing the unfolding of the largest familial corruption scandal in U.S. history. How will we, as citizens of the United States of America, let this enormous crime and the future of our country unfold?


Pretty sure Fox News said the same thing when Obama wore that Tan suit!

Call me when they have anything more substantial than family members trading on their high profile name.


And don't forget, by the end of this calendar year, there will have been 15 million illegal aliens allowed to enter the U.S. and get 100% support by American taxpayers, just since Biden took office. Jan 6 was a nothing burger. January 21, 2021 was the beginning of the end of the United States of America. My friends, if you're not armed, you'd better hurry. The socialists and cartels are coming.


What is corrupt about private American citizens doing business with foreign countries?


I assume this logic applies to Trump as well?


Trump and his kids were involved in the federal government. Kushner was in charge of middle eastern diplomacy and selling arms to the Saudis and then got a $2 billion investment from those same Saudis with a $25 million per fee for himself. Did you not know this?


Its not a big deal really, its just private American citizens doing business.


He wasn't a private citizen when he was doing favors for the Saudis, moron.


The deal was in 2022. Know your facts.


What was he doing during the Trump administration?


Jared Corey Kushner (born January 10, 1981) is an American businessman, investor, and former government official. He is the son-in-law of President Donald Trump through his marriage to Ivanka Trump, and served as a senior advisor to Donald Trump from 2017 to 2021.


As usual uncle lemming and information lemming have their braindead asses handed to them.

They can’t even show an ounce of consistency. The challenge of being a Democrat lemming.


So, Hunter is gonna share a prison cell with Jared Kushner right? I mean, if we're really serious on cracking down on accepting money from foreign entities, we're gonna nail Jared for accepting $2 BILLION from the Saudis, right? Right?


lock him up!


I don't see Joe on that list.


did you see Biden family?


Yes, what is wrong with it?


whats wrong with crime or whats wrong with Biden?


What's wrong with any of the business dealings of members of the Biden family?


lots of things. the crimes of the Bidens go back for generations. its too many to list.


List one.


Documents link Biden, Sr., to an excursion on his cousin’s thirty-nine-foot yacht, which later became the subject of an insurance-fraud case. During his deposition, Sheene, Jr., was asked to confirm that Biden, Sr., and two unmarried women were with him on the boat, and his lawyer advised him not to answer.


Heavens to Murgatroyd, he went on a boat ride...LOCK HIM UP!

You idiots are really grasping at straws now that the walls are finally closing in around your orange hero...


committed insurance fraud and banged 2 chicks while married.

hows your hero doing? did he BBB yet?


You must have me confused with a Biden Supporter...


you voted for him, thanks...


Yes I did(you're welcome!), and as I've said countless times I would have voted for literally anyone over that dumbass Trump...And I will again in 2024(not that I need to since we're obviously going to rig the election again!)


you voted for him, which means you support your dear leader and Tyranny. thanks again for ruining America.

RIP - America


You support sexual assault and a plethora of other crimes...


you support sexual assault and rape and a plethora of other crimes...

your Cult 46 will be stopped...


you support sexual assault and rape and a plethora of other crimes...

your Cult 45 will be stopped...
. Ha! That's fun, thanks for the tip...


He took a boat ride on his cousin's yacht?

The horror.
The horror.


committed insurance fraud and banged 2 chicks while married.


You got a real vivid imagination.


So does Joe. He likes when roaches rub his hairy legs, oh wait he actually said that.


Opps, Republicans admit there is no evidence that President Biden did anything wrong.


No kidding. Even Steve Doocy isn't falling for it.
