MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden says he will build Trumps pipeline...

Biden says he will build Trumps pipeline.

So what does this turnaround by the Biden Administration prove?

Trump was right - America should produce all the natural Gas and Oil that it can.

Biden and the Democrats are big time hypocrites - Biden and his cronies really do not believe in the "global warming/man made climate change" nonsense that the Democrats have been pushing for the last 3 years.

That the real reason for this big push to wind and solar was to make money and increase the political control by Democrats. The moment the Democrats see a way to make a buck over fossil fuels they reverse course, and all the nonsense about "man made global warming is an existential threat to humanity" goes by the wayside.

As I have long said and truly believed - the man made climate change was all about making a buck and increasing political power by the Democrats and had nothing to do about the world climate.

Biden reversed all the permitting that Trump approved in Alaska, now he wants credit for reversing what he messed up in the first place.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️


Well of course it’s not about “climate change” as there is little to no evidence to support the massive conspiracy theory.

Kinda like Covid and the bullshit vaccines that didn’t work.

The primary model behind the theory that co2 equals global warming is Venus. Venus’ atmosphere is 90x as dense as Earths, and is made up of 96.5% co2. Earths atmosphere is .04% co2. Of that 3.4% is produced by humans. Of that 15% is produced by the US. The theory of man made climate change is not science.

Termites alone produce 10x as much co2 as humans.

"When he (Kepler) found that his long-cherished beliefs did not agree with the most precise observations, he accepted the uncomfortable facts. He preferred the hard truth to his dearest illusions, that is the heart of science" - Carl Sagan


Biden is trying, trying to do this to gain votes in his 2024 re-election bid, Americans know the game he's playing and it will not win but it will sorely backfire, Brandon will never get reelected!*

*unless the democraps steal the election again


The Democrats were so good at outsmarting the Republicans that they rigged the 2020 election using millions of co-conspirators without getting caught. What does that say about Republicans?


It was probably only a few dozen people. And you only need a couple of people to hack the Dominion voting machines and change the votes. All the evidence has been destroyed and democrats refused to investigate the election for any chicanery.

All electronic voting equipment can easily be hacked because all such equipment must receive programming before each election from memory cards prepared on election management systems which are computers often connected to the internet running out-of-date versions of Windows.

A few weeks ago computer scientist J. Alex Halderman rolled an electronic voting machine onto a Massachusetts Institute of Technology stage and demonstrated how simple it is to hack an election.


KanekoaTheGreat? Are you serious? You used that link before which proves nothing. Also the Scientific American article is about 5 years old. Do better Cletus.


This also explains how the election was stolen.


Still not proof, dipshit. This documentary has been debunked a long time ago.


Thats not proof, thats just a link to Google. Nice try Cooter.




robo is a doofus that thinks Joe is a great leader.


Isn't it funny that the way Biden plans on getting reelected is by renewing Trump's policies. Why did it take him 3 years to do though? Once he gets reelected he will reverse this to try and force EVs again so don't be fooled.


They get so triggered when you point out the illegitimate administration. 🤣🤣

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“Alaska LNG is a carbon bomb 10 times the size of Willow,” said Lukas Ross, program manager at the environmental advocacy group Friends of the Earth. “By rubber-stamping projects like these, Joe Biden is putting his own climate legacy at risk.”

just a couple of years ago, a great businessman was our President, gas prices were much lower, the border was secure, there was no inflation, and the Constitution (including the Second amendment) was respected. Biden is a horrible fake president.


The Biden administration formally issued a record of decision Monday to green-light a massive Alaska natural gas pipeline and export project that's strongly opposed by environmental groups.

The Department of Energy's (DOE) finalized decision reaffirms the original 2020 approval of the project under the ***Trump*** administration but amends it to include additional environmental protections, according to federal filings. The $38.7 billion project – which involves an 807-mile pipeline that traverses the length of Alaska and an export terminal – would significantly boost U.S. natural gas exports to Asia.


‘This is not climate leadership’: Vanessa Nakate says Biden must choose sides after youth support tanks


Democrats have an election coming up, so The Front is coming out!

Great minds discuss ideas.
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Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.
