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Were the police escorting QAnon Shaman out of the Capitol or into the Senate chambers?

New video released by Faux and reported by Tucker after McCarthy sent the tapes to him. It's strange to see 2 cops leading or following him and not doing anything. If they're MAGA cops then oh buy did Tucker throw them under the bus, lol.


Tucker: This video tells a different story of Jan 6
Fox News host Tucker Carlson unveils Jan. 6 video that shows Capitol police escorting protesters through building, including 'QAnon Shaman,' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'


Mm yes, but your thoughts on these new revelations?


Looks like Republican congress will have to do their own investigation of Jan 6th. No need to invite Democrats.
I hope they find out who the violent few in the videos are. Antifa, FBI, DNC thugs?


All those arrested and sentenced were Antifa posing as Trumps army?


People were saying the Umbrella Man from the George Floyd protests was a cop, people had his picture up and everything comparing the face outline, but now the cops are saying it was a white supremacist biker, but they didn't charge him with anything.


Ray Epps was definitely working for the DNC.

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The white cops supported them.
Held open a door letting them in and taking selfies with them.

The only ones who did anything, that is their jobs of protecting law makers, were the black cops.


Dude, no....just stop.

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There is nothing I wrote that wasn't true.


They were following orders.

Riot police, state police, local police and Capitol police could have shown up in full riot gear within 15 minutes.

But there are stand down orders.
Police are told to not engage

The Capitol has secured areas to lock up people if need be...this guy could have been handcuffed and detained at any time.

This was allowed to go on for the purposes we see today....when the left cant debate
They say
That's racist
That's a conspiracy

And now they have what about jan 6th.



Aren't there photos floating around of Antifa losers chaging into MAGA gear and filming inside the Captitol?

Staged Riot.

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"They were following orders.

Riot police, state police, local police and Capitol police could have shown up in full riot gear within 15 minutes.

But there are stand down orders.
Police are told to not engage"

Yup because these were white people.
If this had been BLM you really think that order for them to not show up would have been given?

I wanna know if it was Trump who gave them the, "stay away," orders.
Someone gave them.
Who was it?
