MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do you trust the news

Do you trust the news

I don’t except for Fox. All of the others said Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation which is a lie.


Did you hear about Trump's laptop? If you care about Hunter Biden's laptop you should care at least as much about Trump's. Maybe Fox didn't update you.


Trust none of it.


Then you should know that FoxNews avoids defamation suits by classifying their own network as "Entertainment" rather than "News."




I tend to watch certain online news sources these days. Corporate news is too slanted, whether its the right or left.


Corporate news answers to its bosses, the corporations who sponsor it. The Democrat party news, ABCNNBCBS, NYTimes, Wapo, etc also answer to their Democrat party masters.

They are the biggest sources of misinformation in history.

The biggest stories they pushed most recently:

- Trump/Russia collusion: didn’t happen

- The Covid Vaccine is safe and will end the spread, and prevent you from getting Covid. It never did these things, and it’s not safe.

- The Biden laptop is Russia misinformation. The Bidens AREN’T selling political power to China, Russia, Ukraine. False: they’re doing all of these things. The Democrat party has done this for decades.


I don't trust any lamestream news. Even Fox is compromised.
