MovieChat Forums > Politics > Establishment Bots

Establishment Bots

So lately there's been an infiltration of moviechat by robots who hammer away at establishment talking points (WhoToTrust is a good example). I think the best tactic with these mindless idiots is to ignore them. When they comment, just ignore them. Let them know nobody here is buying their corporate-approved bullshit.


Well, found a new one. Evidently Dr "I need a beating" PhD is a bot. Little twerp came on here, baiting people with "body positivity" garbage and waited for someone like me to bite, and is now demanding that I be "canceled," forgetting that this isn't Twatter.

I saw this happen to another site that had been around for years. They had to up security because the internet traffic got the attention of bots after 10 years, and it appears it's happening to Moviechat too. Looks like the mods need to up their game too.


They really are like a disease. They spot a new host body to infect, invade, and then destroy. Mindless, angry little twerps who obviously never got popped in the mouth for saying stupid shit when they were growing up.


Good thing they aren't human. I'd feel sorry if they really were people. I mean, who the hell brags about being fat and going on a sex strike? It was one thing to whine about some stupid, innocuous, medical term becoming a slur, but it's another to act like this is Twatter and demand those who tell the truth and shine a bit of reality on the situation be "cancelled" because you feel "unsafe."


The world has become a giant hallucination for about half of the population.


It makes me glad my brother and I (and many millennials) were born before the internet. We had a chance to see what the analog world was like before everything went digital. I almost miss it, to be honest. People were less delusional back then. We kids were braver and had stronger minds back then too. Nobody cared about hurting our feelings, and we looked up to heroes that put doing the right thing before their fear. We kids from the 80s and 90s were hardcore (Gen X-ers and Boomers are like that too). The Zoomers make me both disgusted and pitying of them.


Good points. But who raised the Zoomers? Kids behave, ultimately, the way their elders expect them to. There are some Gen Xers, Boomers, and older Millennials who have some explaining to do about the way they raised their kids.


Who raised the zoomers? -leftard teachers, social media and crap tv to name a few.


Basically all the bad parents of my generation, and a few Gen X-ers that had children late in life, and were also bad parents.

After seeing the shortcuts some of these parents have done with their kids, I'm honestly inclined to limit screentime for my kids until they are old enough to understand that life doesn't consist of being on the internet all the time. I know it's old-fashioned, but simply spending time with your kids, taking them outdoors, playing physical games like catching a ball, watching classic movies with them and getting them engaged in the story, or playing with pets, or teaching them simple, fun science, is a much better investment than just shoving a tablet in their face. In fact, that's the biggest problem parents have today: spending almost no time with their kids. Kids can tell you care about them if you spend quality time with them, and far too few parents do that nowadays.








There’s some dude named Emori that keeps claiming Russians are Nazis. It’s quite humorous at this point.

All of the documented stories on Nazis in that area are Ukrainian. The sources are communist Democrat party and globalist Ukraine supporters. But facts are facts. Ukraine has Nazis.

It is what it is.
это то что есть.

Just a few examples:

And this…

And this…


they're not robots, just the average democrat voter


You mean there's a difference?


Imagine JFK living to witness this.


I don't understand this "Cult of JFK." The first time I heard of it was FOXnews in the mid-1990's. Wow he cut income tax rates. You're pretty old if you remember JFK. V-E Day was May 1945. Oldest Boomers were born February 1946. They would have been 17 years old in November 1963 and 77 today. Maybe some posters here are that old. I'm not. And I thought I knew everything when I was 17. Sure you can read books and such, but who wrote them? All history is tainted. Best evidence is actually experiencing it.


Imagine Democrats pay low energy people to stay home and post establishment talking points?

Hope it all gets exposed one day..their weirdness is too hard to hide.


I appreciate your attempt to derail the conversation with a logical fallacy. You are aware, I'll assume for your sake, that no one suggested anyone is getting paid to do this. Your distraction, in fact, shines a harsher light on the stupidity of the brown-nosers for the system--that they suck off their corporate masters entirely for free. What wonderfully useful idiots they are!


What's drives me crazy is the going around in circles.....
Debate an issue, back up your policy with statistics, charts and computer models.
And let the people decide.....

This is why Democrats refuse to debate and refuse to publicly announce their policies.

They hide their policies and say vote for us. Vote no trump, save Democraty, and people have no idea what they are voting for.

What are the pros and cons or Democrat no cash bail......

The policy is such a disaster
The cons completely out way the pros.
It puts the public in more danger.

But it's still pushed onto society. That's when things look sketchy....why do they keep backing something that Is a clear failure?...something in direct correlation to an increase in crime.
The powers that are able to keep up a policy so unwanted are equal to that of the enemy.


Ah, I see now your original comment was a legitimate question.


BlueMAGA fаggоtѕ are some of the most insufferable creatures I've ever had the misfortune of interacting with. You have to be a special kind of dunderhead to defend the oligarchic corporate parasites who have extracted trillions of dollars from the working class and brought our country to the bring of collapse.






Haslet - cliche lemming
Ranb - always claims Trump anti 2A while ignoring the endless attacks on the 2A by the Democrat party.

Gaslighters gonna gaslight.


I think I've run into Ranb before. I'll watch out for the other one.


Haha, some loser plagiarized this post to try to turn it on the only perceived enemy of the wokists. They're so simple minded. They can't come up with anything original and they can't conceive of a world where more than just two points of view exist.

And these shit for brains are running the damn country.


Funny. I do that to you.

Signed, million man.
