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4-year-old Playing w/Loaded Gun & Pulling Trigger

The little boy is alone in the hallway of an apartment building pointing the gun at different people. He pulled the trigger a few times.

"When police arrived at the apartment where the toddler was staying with his father, they questioned the father who stated he did not have a gun.”

“However, when police viewed the neighbour-provided home surveillance video of the toddler, it clearly showed the child in the apartment hallway alone, playing with the gun like a toy, waving and pointing it and pulling the trigger.”

“Officers went back to the apartment and spoke with Osborne again. After further investigation a firearm was located, and Osborne was arrested. Final charges will be determined by the Marion County Prosecutors Office.”


Of course, the gun nuts in Indiana are fine with it since they have lax gun laws. Guns are not required to be registered nor locked. Indiana has among the weakest gun laws in the country.

"The only thing stopping a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun."


You agree then, the police are " good toddlers"


You consider cops to be diapered infants?


Yes, that is why you are better off armed yourself than trust the people who screwed up uvalde redponse time is horrible and they let the hostages die over hand sanitizer


Those cops were afraid to confront the 18-year-old who had military-style weapons.

It's better to make military weapons illegal for civilians and incorporate common sense gun laws. Also, give better training to police and raise the educational level required along with psychological tests. Overhaul the system. No reason to call police on 7-year-olds in school. More social workers, mental health counselors, community programs and government services needed.

For instance, a large number of prisoners are mentally ill or addicts. They need competent services, not incarceration.


Bold words for a Canadian child.


Military weapons are illegal,

That long rifle barrel is a disadvantage in close quarters, if anything using so called military weapons should have made it easier to take the threat down.

It wasn't the weapon that killed kids it was the psycho, pistols wouldn't have changed the aftermath

In the end thecops were too scared to save lives by firing their weapons into a psycho

Exactly less incarceration more death penalty. You shoot our kids you die on the scene.


No, it was the weapons which effectively killed the kids. The cops were too scared of the 18 year old's more lethal weapons.

Those weapon are a civilian-version of the military ones.

Better to PREVENT the slaughter with stronger gun laws. Why do you support a 4-year-old playing with a loaded gun?


I don't gupport a 4 year old playing with a gun, i reject the idea that stricter gunlaws will change anything, this is a reckless endangerment issue, not a gun issue, the same as giving a 4 yearold a sharp knife.

The best way to prevent the slaughter is education, a gun isn't magically more lethal just because it looks like military armament, it requires capabilities that are illegal for civilians to own and must be correctly applied for the situation the cops were untrained and too cowardly to act.


It's already proven that stronger gun legislation lowers gun-related deaths.


Even if the law said the gun must be kjeptbin a lock box, what would change?you still have an unsupervised 4year old playing with a gun.


You mean he would be playing with the lockbox itself since he wouldn't have access to the gun.

I believe the box would bore him.


A gun lock box can fail if dropped hardenough the first line of defense is good parenting

The kid was allowed access to the gun, regardless of how he gained the access, bad parenting is the main problem here


The gun was in an unlocked drawer. He wouldn't have access to it if the gun was in a lockbox.

The reality is that parents sleep. The gun needs to be locked away in case the kid is snooping around the house when they are.


"Gun nuts" don't let their children play with firearms. It's kind of a thing but you wouldn't know anything about that.


The OP never said that gun nuts let children play with firearms. I think they are saying that despite to clear and obvious danger demonstrated here, gun nuts would automatically oppose ANY legislation to prevent or reduce incidents like it. And so they are therefore fine with it. As long as they are satisfied that gun nuts would never do such a thing then it's ok. The gun laws are designed to placate the gun nut's sense of propriety.


The OP has said as much and more.

Please tell me what laws would've prevented this incident without infringing on Constitutional rights? There are already +20,000 gun laws on the books.


All of them would have to involve "a well trained militia".


So you don't have an answer and can't read either???


Well trained state militia doesn't apply to a 4-year-old.


I've seen this video quite a few times now and I have to admit it's pretty bad when you see a 4-year-old waving a loaded gun around. That being said, the father is a felon, the boy is 4 years old and still wearing diapers, and there's no way a little child like that could chamber a round.

Also, whoever was filming should be kicked in the face.


It appeared that the cops believed the father's lies until they were shown the video.
Why would any parent want to continue changing diapers for a 4-year-old?


At the end of the day, bad guys, especially convicted felons, don't follow laws, go figure.


The kid is living with mom. He should've left the kid with her.


Toddler with unloaded gun = bad, Alec Baldwin with loaded gun who kills someone = ok because he's a leftie and not his fault.


Apples and oranges.

No toddler should have a loaded gun. Period.
Actors use prop guns especially in Westerns. Baldwin is an actor.

The gun nut armorer should not have allowed target practice with real ammo on set.
The gun nut armorer should not have allowed the director to handle the gun.
The gun should have been locked away with the armorer the only one with access to it.

There was negligence with the armorer who didn't do her job.

She was also inexperienced and not qualified. Therefore, I blame those who hired her, also.
Baldwin was one of the producers, therefore he could be negligent in that role depending on his responsibilities as a producer. Did he hire her or another producer?

I'm surprised more producers were not indicted.


That's my point. Even though Baldwin is responsible for having real guns and live ammunition on the set, for hiring an incompetent armourer and pointing a real gun at someone while dicking about with the trigger, lefties are still finding excuses to say he's not responsible for killing someone.


Inexperienced and not qualified? She grew up in it. The only person inexperienced and not qualified to comment on firearms is you.


"Gun Nuts" teach their children about firearm safety and keep their guns safely away from children. You don't know what you're talking about. I also love how the DemoKKKrats want to take guns away from law abiding citizens yet do little to nothing to take them away from thugs and gang members who are killing people in libtard run major cities.
