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From the beginning, the "Red Wave" was a scam

The media told us over and over again for months: the Red Wave is coming. Never was any evidence offered to substantiate such a claim, except of course for polls, which are conceived to elicit the answers the pollsters are looking for.

Tuesday's election has come and gone, and the same media are now saying, "What happened to the Red Wave?" It never existed in the first place, except in the minds of those who wanted to believe it was there. Nothing was achieved except for discrediting the American voters.

We've been played.


Not a scam so much as what should have been expected given recent history...

“I think if they win, I should get all of the credit, and if they lose, I should not be blamed at all,” Trump told NewsNation


Yeah, well over 60% of the country is dissatisfied with the current administration. Why would anyone think people would vote for a different party?

"More twelve dollar a gallon gas, please! I'm looking to be homeless by the end of the year!"


Beto and all the other communist running for a Texas state office lost by 10 points. It will be a long time before democrats will outnumber republicans in the whole state.Monica Cruz beat a nut bag AOC type that even brought Bernie Sanders down to endorse her.


Historically the presidents party has done poorly in midterms, so there was that too, as well as the polls.


They got the House as expected. That ain't nothing.


The Democrats have been playing you for decades. They don't care about you.


What a nut bag.


When do you expect the violence will occur by disappointed Repub voters as predicted by the President?


When and if Kari “ big mouth” Lake loses


I don’t believe there will be any political violence by either side regardless of who wins and loses. I am actually incredibly impressed by the conduct of the highly divided electorate in this election. I believe voters behaved very well to each other as they have consistently done in American elections. I’m disappointed the President made discrediting predictions about his fellow Americans instead of encouraging us and emphasizing the good qualities we have in common.
