MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why is politics so divisive ?

Why is politics so divisive ?

The only other subject, I can think of more divisive than politics, is religion.

I get people are passionate about certain things, but my goodness, there is a bigger picture to look at, and it would be nice if people came together, to solve problems.


Politics has become like sports: people need a team to root for and identify with. One team can't be the good guys unless the other team is there to be the bad guys.

Also, modern society has made people lazy and self-centered. They are convinced that by voting and rooting for their team, they are somehow making the world a better place while protecting their self-interest.


Agreed that the focus should be on problem solving. Solutions driven.

The problem is politics is made up of career politicians who’s goal in life is reelection, not problem solving. Keeping the problems around gives them something easy to run on every 2, 4, 6, years. Topics like: abortion, minimum wage, social security, rrrreeeeacism, that all go away 30 seconds after the election.

Career politicians only skill is personal destruction. They have no useful experience to problem solve. They aren’t business men. They aren’t people with real jobs. They’re lying scumbags.

It’s compounded by the fact the news media now works hand in hand with the Democrat party and the bureaucracy in DC. They’re supposed to be the watch dog but they’re instead they’re the propaganda arm.




It's become that way by design. It's corrupt politicians and the establishment that uses these wedge issues to divide us. They hope that while we're arguing about something stupid like pronouns or gas prices, we won't notice the real nefarious shit they're up to. This is why people voted for Trump. Not because he's some great or charismatic leader. Because he told the truth that we've been screaming at the TV for decades. He's not a polished politician reading a script. He called out the bias in the media. He called out the hypocrisy of democrats. He went against the corrupt establishment. When Trump spoke, you knew he was sharing his true self. Not what some political thinktank told him to say. In return, the establishment fought back with 6yrs of fake news and propaganda, the likes of which we have never seen. You have people on this forum who truly believe the lies the media has fed them, to the point that they are completely blinded to the truth. There are people who truly hate Trump voters for imagined reasons and have no clue why we voted for him. Simply because they believed the media lies. Or the blatant lies told by their politicians.


People with no inner-monologue.


They have inner "dialog" instead. It's their momma constantly telling them everything they do, say and think is wonderful. Meanwhile the world just looks at them and shakes their collective heads that people can be this dumb and this oblivious to how dumb they are.


Do you have an example you'd like to single out for discussion?


A discussion about social security. Several senators are talking about doing away with it. This definitely concerns me.


Because one side wants to be left alone, and the other wants to murder them.


In a nutshell. God help them when those that want to be left alone decide they've had enough.


Although it seems bad now, it's nothing compared to the years leading up to the Civil War...


Psychopath people do not want people to come together and solve problems because psychopath people know that psychopath people are the problem.

Psychopath people do not want to be put all on one political side so psychopath people take the high status jobs of both sides of politics and control all the opposition. Both the democrat party and the republican party benefit psychopath people. The republican party benefits wealthy psychopath persons and the democrat party benefits lower class psychopath persons.

People who can feel real emotions have never had any power in the USA and they probably never will and that is what psychopath people want.

Psychopath people in the USA control american politics and no one can do anything about that.
