MovieChat Forums > Politics > What REALLY caused the 2008 financial cr...

What REALLY caused the 2008 financial crisis

Economist Thomas Sowell explains how leftist political pressure to give loans to risky poor and minority burrowers led to the 2008 financial crisis which lead to a several year long economic crisis. You will never read that in the New York Times.


Dude, my watch tells me it's 2022...

"A first-time home buyer can have just as nice a house as anybody else."

Don't lose any sleep over it. The banks will get bailed out again. You'll be able to get a loan to buy a bowl of rice.


Doesn't matter what year it is, the truth about what caused the crisis isn't well know because the media covers it up.


Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat! A PROGRESSIVE Democrat!

I'm sure as hell not voting for that sumuvabich again!


"a several year long economic crisis."

GDP did not contract for 8 consecutive quarters.


I don't know about US but worldwide the 2008 crisis caused a several year long contraction and stagnation.


I only care about the USA. You and Thomas Sowell can clutch your pearls over the working poor in Africanistan.

The USA has been in economic crisis since the indians ran out of land for us to steal.


The US was hurt by the financial crisis of 2008 and hurt severely. The land of America wasn't stolen but conquered, morons like you should learn the difference.


So you have the logic of if you can do something that automatically makes it moral, good to know.


"The NYT didn't steal the narrative of the financial crisis, it conquered it." - OvertonPendulum's evil twin 🤭


He's honestly one of the biggest jokes I've encountered on these boards.


Coming from a guy that says you can't believe statistics and data.


No I said statistics do not tell the whole story, and I also said context is key also. Nice straw man. You can't analyze a basketball game simply by looking at a stat sheet. You never could refute this point. You know it is true.


Just an excuse to throw out statistical data you don't like. We might as well throw out all scientific studies and opinion polls.


It tells a part of the story not the entire one. Context is key as well.


Please show me the scientific validity of these statistics here. Show me the citations that would lend credibility to these numbers, because the author himself doesn't seem to know or care about APA formatting

I keep challenging you to validate this link you posted and you keep avoiding the issue

That's what a good propagandist would do. They'd just reverse-engineer La Griffe Du Lion's data to find whatever questionable sources he used for his calculations and insist on the unquestionable veracity of those sources

If data is gonna be your weapon, then weaponize data. Don't just copy-paste it. If you don't think you're clever enough to do what I am suggesting, then look for a leader

But if you're either not intelligent enough or too lazy to do that then find a leader to follow, because you on your own don't seem to be effective at advancing your own agenda

Considering how many right-wingers there are on here, your posts should not stick out as particularly socially awkward and out of place, but they do. Just look at how few of the conservative regulars from this board are replying to your thread to defend your point. Almost none. You seem to be an outcast even among people who are supposed to be on your side


No, you have to how evidence that the data is false.


"have to how"

Literally debating a retard. I guess the joke's on me


I have provided my source for the IQ of Baltimore. If you want to say it's fake, you have to prove it. You can't just dismiss data you don't like. That goes back to my original point to moviefanatic.


APA format, retard

Maybe if you had ever actually taken a single college course on science you would understand what I mean


You haven't proven the data is false. And why are you bringing this into a totally different thread?


You haven't proven the data isn't false. If I were to post a link with a drawing of The Grinch, and demanded that you prove that this drawing is NOT proof of his existence, would I not be a retard? Exactly

And I keep bringing it up because you keep avoiding it


False equivalence. This is the first Google search result for "Baltimore IQ". The internet isn't full of fake websites which provide false data on US city IQs. I haven't heard of any website that just made up data on the IQ of a given US city. Not to mention they are very realistic given what we know about Black IQ in general and Baltimore's socioeconomics.


Again you seem to equate Google search results with objective truth. We are back to our discussion in the The Wire thread. What's false equivalence? That you can't hold yourself to the same standards that you demand from others?

You live in a reality determined by Google. You're an airhead like Oprah or Jenny McCarthy


I'm not saying Google searches are always truth, I'm saying it's more likely than not to be true. And if you want to claim it's false it's the burden of proof on you.


Based on what? Truth isn't determined based on convenience. Google search results are convenient, and that's why so many people use them to determine their world view

This is your thread. It's your thread where you use a Youtube video to try to prove that a historical event should actually be interpreted in a different way

I don't actually have a strong opinion on the 2008 financial crisis, but if I did I sure as shit wouldn't use a single Youtube video as the crux of my argument

Do you not see a pattern? Google and Youtube are your sources of pseudo-education. You don't know anything about evidence-based literacy instruction or the scientific method

You are basically an airhead with a big ego. You are Oprah or Jenny McCarthy


Based on the fact that you claim the single source for Baltimore IQ is false without providing any evidence that it's false.

I do not base my entire view on the financial crisis on a single video. I just posted a single video on this thread because it's convenient to get the message across.

You constantly call me unscientific, but you don't provide any evidence or arguments why the idea of political pressure wasn't a causal factor for the crisis or that the Baltimore IQ data I provided is false. You haven't disproven shit.


Data does not spring out of nowhere. It comes from measurements taken from the real world

That "single source" you posted does not provide information for where it gathered its data. The burden of proof lies on Griffe du Lion to prove that its statistics are based on reality, and it never proves so

You can't prove otherwise because you didn't go to college

The burden of proof is on you to show that you did go to college, because it seems highly unlikely to me


Then email Griffe du Lion and ask about the source. I highly doubt he just made it up. I haven't heard of fake websites featuring made up IQ data on American cities.


Why didn't you email that person yourself before using the link as proof? You are the one using the source to back up your argument, not me. You seem oblivious to basic ethics in science or journalism


Journalism? LOL I don't claim to be a journalist. No, YOU'RE the one disputing his data, YOU should email him and ask for the source. I believe the data because the numbers are very realistic given what we know for a fact.


"I believe a claim because it seems plausible"

Even college freshmen can't get away with such low standards of fact-checking. Maybe not even high schoolers

You seem to have the IQ of a child


You're angry because I say Blacks are less smart than Whites. Calling me stupid makes you feel better.

It's not low standards, and no I don't have to do any fact checking because I don't claim to be a journalist. It's an undisputed fact Black IQ is around 85. Blacks who live in poorer neighbourhoods have lower IQs than those who live in wealthier neighbourhoods. The poorest ghetto Blacks having an IQ 9 points lower than the Black average isn't unrealistic by any standards.


I call you stupid because you say stupid things, like

"It's not low standards, and no I don't have to do any fact checking because I don't claim to be a journalist"

I'm not telling you that you have to fact check for MY sake. I'm telling you this because it's much better for you to base your world view on scientific claims that can actually be verified. If you were to read "Water causes cancer" on a website, would you believe it just because somebody said it? Would it not be your responsibility to fact check this before believing it?

It's a simple concept. A person who doesn't want to become just a mouthpiece for propaganda does some amount of due diligence

I'm not talking about black people's IQs in general, I'm talking about La Griffe du Lione's page

If you had sent a link to an article from a scientific journal talking about IQ, or even a quote from The Bell Curve, I wouldn't be hassling you on this point

You seem to think I keep bringing it up because I don't like discussions about differences in average IQs among different groups. I'm indifferent to the topic. The point is that La Griffe du Lione is propaganda

Any credible statistician, sociologist, or professional scientist of any kind knows that you have to include an explanation of your methodology in your report. I assume you went at least to high school and did lab reports, so even you had to do it even if you don't realize it. It's the same exact thing. Falsifiability and reproducibility are cornerstones of scientific ethics. The guys who wrote The Bell Curve did it. Lots of other writers who have written on topics related to IQ and race/ethnicity/gender/social class, writings which maybe rile up leftists but which are legitimate scientific studies, use sources

It isn't your job to fact check. It isn't la Griffe du Lione's job to provide those facts. The buck keeps getting passed. This is how people indoctrinate themselves, which is what you've done. I know you're in deep denial about it since white nationalism seems to be your entire identity, but it's the truth


Shut up you moron. You just don't like what the data says. Prove to me that the data is false or shut up.


How can I prove it false when it is hiding its own methodology? LOL

That's literally my whole point


It's not hiding anything. You can email them but you refuse to do so.


I mean, he's literally using an alias. He's hiding his name at the very least lol


Stop putting words into my mouth. The conquest ethic was present throughout the world, before the establishment of international law. Does anyone say the Arabs "stole" North Africa? Or that the Ottomans "stole" the Blakans for 500 years? Or that the Bantu "stole" Central Africa from the pygmies. Only when Europeans do it it's called stealing. That's why because Europeans are the only people in the world that are self critical. Other just don't give a shit.


I did not I literally applied what you said and summarized it. In your mind if you are able to do something it automatically makes it moral. Since that is the case the blacks are not oppressing whites they are conquering them. Going by your logic here.


The conquest ethic is not present anymore, moron.


Perhaps if Yeshua had been born in Wichita, we'd be the ones charging cannons with tomahawks...


Thomas Sowell should know better that the CDOs were given AAA ratings by ratings agencies that did not want banks to go to a competing ratings agency. The banks were too busy making money off of that AAA-rated crap to care about the consequences.

Scion's Michael Burry discovered there was a bubble because of all that AAA-rated crap, and so he made a bet with the banks that those mortgages would fail. When other hedge funds heard about it, they too started betting against those mortgages. The mortgages failed, and the hedge funds won their bets.

The banks didn't choose to lose all that money because of left-wing politics. They were duped by the ratings agencies which should've been government-regulated but were not.


If it wasn't for government pressure those burrowers wouldn't have been even given loans. Blacks are more likely to default than Whites even at the same credit ratings. Hell, perhaps even redlining wasn't all that bad.


Blah blah blah, 'black people bad' is pretty much every response from you on this thread.

Seek help.


"Bla, Bla, Bla you're a wayscist" Is the only argument I get as expected.


Just go join the Klan or some other white supremacist group if your aren’t already a member of one. We get it you don’t like black people.


The data and facts don't like Black people. You've just been conditioned to filter out all that.


It was government generated that there is no question of. Democrats tried to trigger it several times in the summer of 2008 with fear mongering. Finally Democrat John McCain fueled the fire with his ignorance during his retarded presidential campaign.

Thanks to his idiocy that lead to Obama. We’re now dealing with the gender/sexuality horseshit that never existed before that POS took office. This is what happens when you elect anti American communists who hate the country. Democrats push for endless chaos trying to destroy this country for their masters in China.


The CORE issue was the firm belief that the risk from sub-prime borrowing could be mitigated with complex financial instruments thought up by eggheads.

Risk from defualt could be repackaged and sold to investors using these instruments. The analogy that "We have the ability to spread risk miles wide and only three feet deep."

CEO's of banks admit they didn't completely understand them, but when their competition implemeted them and their stock went up, most banks went along fearing shareholder backlash.

Hindsight is 20/20. Most experts in the field trusted the Eggheads whom with their degrees from M.I.T. and the like seemed like math wizards.

This isn't a left/right thing.

It's a capitalism thing.

Capitalism is great because it brings new ideas and inventions into play.

Nobody ever said that ALL these ideas and inventions are good in the long run.


"Hindsight is 20/20. Most experts in the field trusted the Eggheads whom with their degrees from M.I.T. and the like seemed like math wizards."

Lending money is not rocket science. The fancy Chase branch on the corner is nothing more than the pawn shop in the seedy part of town.


Don't bother. You can't reason with someone whose entire goal here is to pin the financial crisis on black people being inferior in some way to white people.

Look at every reply he's given in this thread. It's all racial shit.


Even if we gave your premise the faintest shade of credibility, I'm guessing these policies date back to Lyndon Johnson. It's not like the "leftists" had been alone at the steering wheel from 1965 to 2005.

The Littleboots quote I posted ought to have been enough, but consider:

The GOP was majority in the House for 12 years 1995 to 2006. (The Senate was GOP for slightly less time - Jim Jeffords)

The "financial crisis" was undeniable in 2008, but the root cause peaked in 2005 (pretty much with Hurricane Katrina - maybe Americans finally woke up and realized everything coming out of Washington was horse shit) A lot fewer houses sold in 2006, and the bust was on.


The rich screwed the poor, that's what happened.
