MovieChat Forums > Politics > Parlers refugees seem to have drifted he...

Parlers refugees seem to have drifted here

there seems to be a lot of new people like me with a low number of comments. Some I have ran into were outright racists saying "subsaharan africans couldn't invent even a wheel. they live in mud huts and we went to space. its pretty obvious they arent as smart"

well that guy was banned by the mods. but it seems there are a lot of other blm race obsessed low comment accounts. could that be it? the crazies from Parler have came here?


I've noticed less Leftards here so maybe they have been pushed out by the newbies.

Not a bad thing.


rump is gone, life is a lot better, so we move on to more pleasant things.


Yeah right.


The TDS Squad will rant about Trump for the rest of their lives...very sad.

The dude above says he moved on while simultaneously displaying TDS. You can't make this shit up!


Yeah I am very familiar with that user. They rant all the time and never really say much. They are deluded because if Trump was the problem BLM/ANTIFA would have ceased rioting straight away but they are still going. Makes you wonder, well, unless you are a Leftard.


Haha, look at this response below...

when people think using TDS is some kind of burn

He mistook pity for a 'burn'. Like I said, sad.


You're right about not forgetting about rump. We haven't forgotten Benedict Arnold, either.

But I always smile when people think using TDS is some kind of burn. It's like reporting on yourself that you're in love with someone who will throw you under the bus at the first opportunity. Who the hell is deranged here?


Subsaharian blacks have a very low IQ in comparison with other ethnic groups.

That's not racism. That's a FACT.


What is a parler refugee? What is parler?


Shut up FAGAt


A lot of fundamentally anti-American sentiment needs to be, erm, self-reflected. It's actually pretty tragic, lol.
