MovieChat Forums > Politics > Michigan Democrat Doxxes Republican’s Ch...

Michigan Democrat Doxxes Republican’s Children Before She Reverses Course To Certify County Vote

Seriously dems, do you condone this behavior? Bullying? Doxxing? Extortion?

You can't win within the rules, so you have to win outside the rules. Despicable and like this idiot, he feigned ignorance as his excuse. Proof that dems practice that Ignorance is Strength.


Abraham the Michigan Democrat.


Wtf happened to Michigan?

The Democrats will not walk away even if they win

They will ramp up attacks and go after Republicans, their business and family.

Democrats now control everything


They already are. They’re communists. That’s what communists do.


We're gonna need a lot of Helicopters.


You able to find the whole video of this zoom discussion? Wanted to hear the rest of the berating.


Daily Wire?

There's an unbiased, objective source.


Name a source that isn't unbiased. Would you like to disprove the source material?

Yeah. I thought so. Now STFU.




But true, yes?

Yeah. I thought so. Now STFU.


And the rudeness continues.


At least I'm not stupid or ignorant or indoctrinated like you, yes? Better to be a polite lemming than a rude free-thinker, eh duck shit?


Didn't your mother breastfeed you? Or did your father never beat you? In some elementary way, you have never been socialized. Oh that's probably it, you are just a bot.


You condone child abuse? Like a hypocritical dem, you denounce it while practicing it personally.

Of course, since you can't even form a logical counterpoint, you just strawman it in order save your insecure ego. Pathetic, duck shit. Go play outside on your hopscotch grid, kid.


Wait, so you admit you were a mama's boy? Sheesh, I thought it was going to be like pulling teeth getting any real information out of you. It was more like pulling pudding pops.


From a bot to a mama's boy. You just like pull things out of your ass like duck shit, eh? Now we know how you got your name. 🤣🤣🤣


I'm sorry you were abused as a child, but there's really no need to take it out on other movie chat users. Perhaps you can find a therapist or a dominatrix to work on your kinks?


Where did I say I was abused, pray tell? I wait for you non-answer.

Take it out on MC users? You mean you can't take it, snowflake? Go cry to your mother, duck shit. Just another beta male with student debt.


Do you prefer to be ignored? We can do that again.


Once again, I’m clairvoyant!

Go ahead and be ignorant. Why would I care?


dats rude!!!


They didn't care when the nuns at the Trump rally last month were doxxed. I doubt they would care about children either. They kill babies every day and cheer. The only kids they care about are the ones "in cages" whose parents won't claim them.


Honestly, I don't think they care about them either since in the last congressional budget, dems put no money towards DACA in their proposal. They just want them as political pawns.




They only care about pushing their toxic BS ideology on everyone that doesn't wish it. The party of hate and destruction.


yaaa still waiting on that UN hobbit home communist muslim regime Obama was gong to put in place any day. Oh and take all the guns..

Cant wait to hear your next paranoid fantasy delusion one the next 4 years :)
