MovieChat Forums > Politics > Donald Trump's hunt for election fraud

Donald Trump's hunt for election fraud

.. is going about as well as OJ Simpson's hunt for the real killer


Is it? Trump already has hundreds of poll workers with signed sworn affidavits of fraud. What did OJ have?

Stupid much?🤪🤪🤪


sounds nice until you actually read them. second hand hearsay with no direct evidence


So what did OJ have? Did he even have that? Pray tell?


inadmissible hearsay is nothing.
My statement ... "is going about as well" stands


Do you know hearsay is? How can it be hearsay, if they are the ones that seen and heard it directly? Stupid much?

I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....🤪🤪🤪


Yes I know what hearsay is. Obviously you don't

It's when you didnt witness the wrongdoing yourself but were told about it from another party.
The latter was the case .
Hearsay is not admissible unless there a valid exception to the hearsay rule


here is what the judge said
"This “supplemental evidence” is inadmissible as hearsay. The assertion that Connarn was
informed by an unknown individual what “other hired poll workers at her table” had been told is
inadmissible hearsay within hearsay, and plaintiffs have provided no hearsay exception for either
level of hearsay that would warrant consideration of the evidence. "


How many affidavits are there?

I mean, duuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....🤪🤪🤪


there is a nonzero number of affidavits


but none that are admissible yet


What do you mean admissible? It’s a sworn affidavit. You clearly don’t know what that is or what it represents.

Go play hopscotch, kid. You’re playpals are already there.


stop it before you hurt yourself.

You throw around terms that you clearly dont understand
Allow me to school you some more..
A sworn affidavit is a sworn statement in writing and signed by a witness. That's it.
An affidavit being sworn does not mean it has been admitted. In fact it doesnt even mean it has been submitted to the court as evidence. The attorney would decide whether to attach the affidavit to the case. The judge then would decide if it can be admitted.
The atty will often decide not to submit the affidavit if they know it wont be admissible


And how many affidavits are there again? Didn't I ask you that question already? Again, how is being an eyewitness, hearsay? You really believe that ALL the affidavits are hearsay???

I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....🤪🤪🤪


never said being an eyewitness is hearsay. They aren't eyewitnesses

how many affidavits are there again? asked and answered

The number doesnt matter
and ..

that works no matter how many zeroes you add


Nevermind then. You're completely clueless or your willfully ignorant.

Go back and play hopscotch, kid.


let me know when one of those affidavits gets admitted into evidence into any case


Lol I have a feeling he wont being supplying that anytime soon. I hear the crickets.


And we’re sure you’ve read them. Welcome back Doggielemming. Congrats on your 9 posts. It was nice knowing you.

See you about this time next week with a new sock account?


not a new account, First posted 8 months ago
was also a poster on the old imdb boards

Yes, I did read a lot of them and a number of the motion responses such as the Ostegren v Benson case in Michigan


"And we’re sure you’ve read them. Welcome back Doggielemming. Congrats on your 9 posts. It was nice knowing you."

and doesnt know how burden of proof works. for the 20th time this week...


I thought it was thousands. You're a worse liar than he is


Oh is it thousands now? You do know that a thousand is more than hundreds, yes? So how is what I said a lie??? Stupid much?

I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....🤪🤪🤪




My favourite was that "anonymous" Laura Ingram guest who claimed a "Biden van" was parked behind the polling station, had a table and polling workers were giving them white envelopes and opening them

LOOLL tard


Lol he's such a desperate loser who needs to get over himself. Heck! Even Melania and HALF the Republican Party have accepted the results.

They can keep counting votes for up to 6 months but Biden/Harris are STILL the selected candidates to take office and nothing is going to change that, Period!!!

Hillary, was never a perfect candidate but at least she was mature and classy enough to accept the results when she lost in 2016.


The results aren't final yet.


Biden's taking office no matter what! Whoever gets a certain number of votes (270) first, is the winner. That's how it's always been.


I'm sorry reality upsets you.


Reality isn't upsetting me at all. Truth is, Trump can't accept the fact that he LOST and that the world doesn't revolve around him and his supporters. No presidental candidate in the history of the US has ever been able to change the election results after losing to their opponent.


Every liberal lemming was predicting Trump would win because of voter and mail fraud, they even boarded up their cities because they knew they were going to riot if Trump won. Remember when Trump slowed down the mail and removed ballots boxes to "steal" the election? Looks like all the liberal lemmings have already forgotten about that. Demorats have stolen this election with the help the Chinese Government. I call for a full investigation into collusion with China.


Nothing of this proves a single case of fraud. So far it's whataboutism and a totally unfounded connection to China. They are more than welcome to investigate... after Biden becomes president. Get you're very own Mueller and do your worst.


What about the whataboutism in 2016? Dems were convinced that Trump hacked the election. Its no different now. There should be an investigation into Biden for possible collusion with China.


Biden didn't invite China to release any information about Trump publicly. Anyway, like I say. Go ahead and do your worst.


Just saying it would make sense if the Republicans opened an inquiry as well. I doubt they do, they are too passive.


So far Hunter Binder angle isn't going anywhere. They're going to have to come up with something more impressive than that.


"What about the whataboutism in 2016? "

I have to give you credit here.. you literally did a whataboutism on whataboutisms.

Excellent. Full marks


lol thanks, that was a happy accident but I will still take credit for it...


Some people learn the hard way. Non-college educated folks learn even harder. But learn they will in end on how the court system works. Let's just say it doesn't end favorably for the Trump A-Team lawyers. Need to wait 2 more weeks or less for the vote counts to finalize so they better get cracking on them affidavits. pops in a popcorn
